cremation furnaces
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We are renowned amongst the clients for offering wide array of Cremation Furnace. Our product is highly demanded in the market for their high grade quality and reliability. We offer easy to use and highly effective Cremation Furnace to our customers. Moreover, our product is manufactured using latest techniques. Features: Shear strength Precise design Fine finish
cremation furnaces
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Electric Cremation for cremation of human dead body in India dates back to 1951 when the cremation furnace was installed and commissioned in Calcutta. However, the problem of air pollution from the process was not high lighted at that time mainly because of the fact that even the urban areas were not so densely populated or congested like present day condition and the awareness about pollution was also not very prevalent. As a result there was no restrictionregulation for the emission normed from Electric Cremation process, on the contrary some establishments like Bakery, Smithy shops, Crematoria etc were kept out of Pollution Control norms and regulation till recent past.
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Electric Cremation Furnace
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Electric Cremation Furnace, Power Distribution Board, Pyrolytic Incinerator
Cremation Furnace
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Cremation Furnace