drum seeder
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It is an agricultural implement used for sowing pre-germinated paddy seeds directly in wet-land field. It is a manually pulled implement which helps the farmer to sow 8 rows at one draw. It does not require any mechanical power for its operation.The Drum Seeder Machine is certified by North Eastern Region Farm Machinery Testing & Training Institute, Biswanath Chariali, Sonitpur, Assam, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India.
drum seeder
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The Drum-Seeder is used for direct sowing of Paddy seeds along the principles of the SRI (System of Rice Intensification) method of farming. The product has been designed to sow seeds in a straight line so that the farmer can carry out the weeding process later, without any trouble. The delivery holes in the Seed Drums have been designed to drop a specific number of seeds at specified distances in order to prevent seed wastage.
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