Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer
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It is computerized equipment to detect health issues of person through analysis of electromagnetic field with detailed report of health scope by giving malfunctioning of all body organs, deficiencies in body, allergies, stress levels, secretion value for glands and enzymes etc.
Automatic Gas Analyzer
180,000 Per Piece
1 Piece (MOQ)
Best Deals from Elemental Analyzer
Sox Nox Analyzer
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It is pertinent controlling the Sulphur Oxide (SOX) and Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) in order to check the level of air pollution. MHL brings the technology from Mainland to reduce the level of SOX and NOX from the atmosphere.
S1 Titan Handheld Xrf Mining Analyzer
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S1 Titan Handheld Xrf Mining Analyzer
Laboratory Analytical Instruments
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Laboratory Analytical Instruments, hydraulic control panels