Iprocess A J C Bose Road, Kolkata, West Bengal

  • Lockout Tags

    Lockout Tags

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    LOTO Module enables the user to identify and control all the steps necessary to remove energy sources from the equipment to be worked on. The system is easy to use accommodating all energy sources, devices, tags and equipment.LOTO Software improves the accuracy and manageability of large work scopes and outages, and maximizes plant availability by using Master Isolation Statements and Outage Management facilities to reduce the time taken to both isolate and restore plant safely.

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  • Lockout Tagout Equipment

    Lockout Tagout Equipment

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    LOTO Module enables the user to identify and control all the steps necessary to remove energy sources from the equipment to be worked on. The system is easy to use accommodating all energy sources, devices, tags and equipment.LOTO Software improves the accuracy and manageability of large work scopes and outages, and maximizes plant availability by using Master Isolation Statements and Outage Management facilities to reduce the time taken to both isolate and restore plant safely. KEY FEATURES Ability to store master list of isolation devices, locktag type, energy sources Master Procedure Templates by Area, equipment Attach Pictures Automatic printing of isolation labels

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  • lockout devices

    lockout devices

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    LOTO Module enables the user to identify and control all the steps necessary to remove energy sources from the equipment to be worked on. The system is easy to use accommodating all energy sources, devices, tags and equipment.LOTO Software improves the accuracy and manageability of large work scopes and outages, and maximizes plant availability by using Master Isolation Statements and Outage Management facilities to reduce the time taken to both isolate and restore plant safely. KEY FEATURES Ability to store master list of isolation devices, locktag type, energy sources Master Procedure Templates by Area, equipment Attach Pictures Automatic printing of isolation labels Cross Referencing between Isolation Points and Equipment

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About the Company

  • Primary Business Retailer
  • Secondary Business Type Manufacturer / Exporters / Wholesale Suppliers

Opening Hours

  • SUN : Closed
  • MON : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • TUE : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • WED : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
Iprocess from Kolkata, West Bengal is Retailer of Lockout Tags, lockout devices, Lockout Tagout Equipment.
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Contact Information


  • Mr. Suresh
  • AJC Bose Road, A J C Bose Road, Kolkata, West Bengal