Personalised Protein Powder
1,061 Per Pack
Ppp is a wonderful blend of soy&whey protein isolate to help you build lean muscle keeps you full for a longer period and helps you to lose weight as muscle increase enhances fat loss.the dosage can be personalised according to your need by your trained wellness coach.
912 Per Pack
Tasty chocolate flavoured drink for your kid!the most nutritionally rich product available for your child containing extra protein,calcium and vitamins needed for your child's growth,energy,bones and teeth health.
...moreCell-u loss
1,392 Per Pack
It's a wonderful product for shaping up your reduces cellulite fat and water retention,removes the dimpled appearance of our skin and gives it a smooth works well on the kidney essential add-on product for healthy weight loss to avoid saggy skin and proper toning of the lose skin.
...moreCell Activator
1,808 Per Pack
Cell activator cleanses your cellular system and helps the body absorb the nutrients fast and produce results.also works as anti-oxidant and energiser. As the basic level of our human body are cells,this product works at the base level to make your body cells healthy and active
...moreAloe Plus
865 Per Pack
Made from aloevera extract,it is an essential for your digestive health.aloe cleans the toxins like a brush. Recommended for gas,acidity,indigestion,irregular bowel movement,constipation increases your immunity and keeps your hair and skin healthy and glowing.
...moreAfresh Energy Drink Mix
665 Per 50 Gram
Unique energy enhacer made out of guarana seeds containing orange pekoe and recommended dosage of caffeine.It is a powerful anti-oxidant to cleanse your system internally,metabolism booster helping weight lowers triglyceride level in blood,increases mental focus and alertness and reduces gas acidity is a wonderfulfully refreshing hot or cold is not recommended for pregnant women,lactating mothers and children below 12years.
...moreActivated Fibre
1,335 Per Pack
Essential for your digestive health,it cleanses our digestive system and keeps you full longer.activated fibre absorbs the extra oilfat in your food and rejects it and so helps you to lose weight.highly recommended for people with diabetes as they need more fibre and meets our daily requirement of fibre intake which is not available through our daily diet.
...moreWorkout facility
Indoor& outdoor workout facility available under the guidance of a trained wellness can opt for fre hand exerciseyoga etc.or running,jogging,skipping outdoors.
...moreWeight Loss
With the low calorie nutritionally rich shake,protein powder and all the other supplements we help you to achieve your health goal.trained health consultants guide you personally with your diet,various info on health and motivate you to work on your result.
...moreHealth Consultancy
Diffeeent aspects of good health are dealt with through indepth socialisation.information on various health topics are discussed for enrichment of your knowledge and updatation.
...morediet consultancy
Personalised program to meet your daily needs according to your time schedule as helping you with good health is our prime objective.
...moreweight gain
Excellent health
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