Finishing: Not very fine finish in polishing, color coating is recommended.
Species: Malaysian Sal
Scientific Name: Shorea Borneensis
Wood description: Color of freshly cut heartwood is yellow, brown or brown with the reddish tinge. The color becomes darker after sawing. Grain is interlocked. Texture is fine and even .
Weight: 1250-1350 kg/m3
Machining Properties: Moderate to cut with machines, nailing is poor, prebound required.
Drying & treatment: Drying speed is very slow. Kiln drying is not required. Treatment is very difficult.
Common uses: Most suitable for heavy construction, bridges, door and window frames, railway sleepers, beams, pillars, dock blocks, truck body, heavy platforms, loft construction, structure for ceiling and partition walls.
Additional Information: Easy availability, very economical for general construction purposes.
Other Names: Selangan Batu, Yellow Batu, Red Batu, M/Sal