Engine Flush
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description modern high efficiency engines have higher operating temperature and accumulate deposit's, sludge and lacquer inside the engines; especially in the crank case, piston skirt and ring grooves, valves and tappets, lube oil lines and upper combustion chamber which rob power, accelerate wear and reduce performance to cause serious drivability problems such as engines knocks, rough idle, reduced fuel economy and higher emissions. Waxpol high performance engine flush concentrate is a powerful detergent base blend of cleaners which safely, quickly and effectively softens, emulsifies, dissolves and removes accumulated deposited, sludge's and lacquer. It helps free sticky valves lifters and piston rings and prevents contamination of fresh oil to maintain efficient oil circulation throughout the entire engine for improved performance through efficiency, fuel economy, lower emissions and reduction in wear. dosage one 300 ml can is sufficient for up to 6 liters of oil. directions: check crankcase to make sure that oil is up to a safe level. Before changing oil and oil filter, add entire can of waxpol engine flush to the engine oil at running temperature. After adding the product allow engine to run at idle speed for approx.. 5 minutes. Do not drive or race engine, stop the engine and then change the oil and the filter as usual. packing: 300 ml can.
Engine Flush
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Modern high efficiency engines have higher operating temperature and accumulate deposit's, sludge and lacquer inside the engines; especially in the crank case, piston skirt and ring grooves, valves and tappets, lube oil lines and upper combustion chamber which rob power, accelerate wear and reduce performance to cause serious drivability problems such as engines knocks, rough idle, reduced fuel economy and higher emissions. Waxpol High Performance Engine Flush Concentrate is a powerful Detergent base blend of cleaners which Safely, Quickly and Effectively softens, emulsifies, dissolves and removes accumulated deposited, sludge's and lacquer. It helps free sticky valves lifters and piston rings and prevents contamination of fresh oil to maintain efficient oil circulation throughout the entire engine for improved performance through efficiency, fuel economy, lower emissions and reduction in wear. Dosage One 300 ml can is sufficient for up to 6 liters of oil. Directions: Check crankcase to make sure that oil is up to a safe level. Before changing oil and oil filter, add entire can of Waxpol engine flush to the engine oil at running temperature. After adding the product allow engine to run at idle speed for approx... 5 minutes. Do not drive or race engine, stop the engine and then change the oil and the filter as usual. Packing: 300 ml can.
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