Mild Steel grating
This endeavor has produced outstanding results in terms of quality, speed and economy and has effectively replaced manually fabricated gratings. The finish of Electro forged gratings varies on the client requirement or technical demand.
...moreMetal Gratings
Our group is forever committed to elevate the standards of our products and services. Satisfying our customers through a perennial adherence to excellence is the Group’s hallmark. Each of our employees subscribes to this attitude, which seeps through each and every process, including manufacturing, packaging, delivery time, pricing and after-sales service.
...moreElectroforged Gratings
Electro-forged gratings are manufactured by using the electro-forged machine, which has the flexibility and capacity to weld a very wide range of bearing bars ranging in size from 25*3 mm to 50*5 mm and cross bars measuring from 6 mm to 8 mm. To manufacture electro-forged gratings, twisted bars are pressed and simultaneously resistance-welded into solid bearing bars, resulting in a perfectly homogeneous weld at every intersection without any air gap. The grating panels have high stability, maximum strength and optimum load distribution. This endeavor has produced outstanding results in terms of quality, speed and economy and has effectively replaced manually fabricated gratings. The finish of Electro forged gratings varies on the client requirement or technical demand.
...moreBar Gratings
At Pinax Group, we work under a strict, self-imposed discipline that gives great precedence to research. Exploration and discovery invariably leads to new ideas, which we pursue with a pioneer’s zeal. As a group, we implement ideas with as much enthusiasm as we exhibit while being in the process of finding them: a practice that has led to many of our breakthrough products.
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