PIR Sensor 100 Degree Special
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Pir Motion Sensor
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The wired PIR Motion detector is an INPUT DEVICE, The PIR motion detector is designed to provide detection of criminal intrusion through door frames and window frames into a protected area by sensing infrared energy (heat) emitting from an intruder's‚ body moving through a protected area. The MOTION SENSOR is commonly referred to as a PIR, which stands for passive Infrared. Upon detection of intrusion, the PIR automatically generates an alarm signal to control panel. The sensor also provides a tamper contact output. The unit is RF and EMI Immunity to interferences produced by radio device. The unit is can be wall-mounted by means of a bracket.
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Pir Motion Sensor Switch
1,700 Per Piece
Pir Motion Sensor
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PIR Motions Sensor ( Pyro Electric Motions sensors) senses Infra Red heat sensor emitted from human body. When the human being moves on, the head waves emiited by their body changes the Infra Red wave gradient, this change is detected by the PIR Motion sensor (also called smart switch) and activates a relay. This relay switches ON / OFF a Light or FAN or Alarm etc. These sesnors also have builtin LUX( Luminance intensity of light) control switch, according to which it works. The LUX sense can vary from 20 LUX( extreme dark) to 20000 Lux( bright sun light). The Smart switch can be operated as per the need. It can be set to Switch On light only after sunset and switch OFF light after sun rise. These smart switch also have sensitivity parameter adjustment, so that the relay is not operated by a moving rat or butterfly or cat. It is set in the manner so that a Dog of atleast 20 kg ( similar to the weight of a small child) is required to sense the relay. PIR sensor can be of many types - A) Wall Mounted PIR sensor - can sense from 12 meter distance in 120 degree angle. B) Ceiling mounted PIR sensor - can sense from 3~4 meter in 360 degree 3 meter diameter. In addition to the above, water proof model, out door models etc are avaibale in variour size and l
Pir Motion Sensor
1,100 Per Piece
Pir Motion Sensor Switch
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Wireless PIR Motion Sensor
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A well known Wireless PIR Motion Sensor supplying company.
Pir Motion Sensor
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PIR sensor
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PIR sensor, foot lamp, Down Light, Computer Jack, Tv Socket
Wireless PIR Motion Sensor
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Wireless PIR Motion Sensor, Outdoor Dome Camera