Refined Til Sesame Cooking Oil 1Litre
255 Per Piece
BNB Refined Sesame oil is different from other refined oils currently present in the market. BNB Refined Sesame oil contains fewer trans-fats as compared with other refined oils. BNB Refined Sesame oil is made from virgin sesame oil which is extracted by cold press method only, without using heat or chemicals.
Refined Sesame Oil
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Choosing the right cooking oil can give you the best benefits in terms of taste, texture and nutrition. the cooking oil that you select can have tremendous impact on your family’s health and fitness levels. BNB Refined Sesame Oil is an edible oil that has a very light colour and a neutral flavour. It is thus ideal for cooking. Refined sesame oil has higher smoke point than other oils which makes it not only good for stir frying but also deep frying. In many countries, refined sesame oil is known as ‘light coloured sesame oil’, and is a preferred cooking medium in many countries including Ethiopia, Iran, Japan and India.
Best Deals from Refined Sesame Oil
Refined Sesame Oil
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We are a paramount organization engaged in offering Sesame Seed Oil to our clients. Our offered oil is processed from premium quality sesame seeds that are procured from certified vendors of the market that contain good amount of vitamin E and vitamin B complex and minerals like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Features: Strong aromatic smell. High nutritional value. Longer shelf life.
Refined Sesame Oil
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Item Refined Sesame Oil Moisture and Impurity 0.1% Max. Saponification Value 186 to 196 Iodine Value 103 to 120 F.F.A 0.1% Max Color (Lovibond 113.4mm cell) Red Max 1, Yellow Max 10 Gravity at 25 degree C 0.914 - 0.922 Anti-Oxidant (TBHQ,BHT,BHA) Not Detected.
sesame refined oil
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sesame refined oil, canvassing agent, sesame crude oil