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Built-in scene activation mechanism Security and notification communication classes Configuration menu with a diode Latest generation Z-Wave 500 series chip Z-Wave Plus protocol Energy and power measurement of connected devices Supports secure mode (Z-Wave Network Security) encrypted with AES-128 Max. power output (resistive loads only) 3 kW (in case of loads other than resistive it may be necessary to connect lower output in order to protect the Switch from damage) Conforms to UE regulations : EN55022 (radio wave interference), EN61000-6 (safety of use) Overheating protection : safety off at 105°C Ambient temperature : 10°C – 40°C To be mounted in standard wall switch boxes Ø ≥50mm Radio protocol : Z-Wave Antenna range : up to ca. 50 meters outdoor, or up to 30 meters inside (depends on building structure) Outside dimension (L x W x H) 42mm x 36mm x 15mm