Finishing: good result after polishing, in this species staining is fair to difficult
species: Burma teak
scientific name: tectona Grandis
wood description: the heartwood has a waxy luster. Heartwood color darker than sapwood color. Growth ring boundaries clearly distinct. The grain is straight or slightly interlocked, irregular
weight: 880-940 kg/m3
machining properties: machining is easy with normal tools
drying & treatment: air seasoning is reported to be very good but rather slow. It is resistance to impregnation. The heartwood is very difficult to treat
common uses: housing beams joists boards, parquet flooring, frames, steps panelling, luxury furniture, cabinet work, decorative veneer, turning sports tools, general musical instruments, handicraft, moldings, panel doors & windows
additional information: the mechanical properties of the timber from young trees are better than that from aged trees