conductivity testing kit
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The EC510 is a conductivity testing kit. Kit includes EC500 meter, 3 calibration standards, 3 pH buffer pouches plus rinse solution, 3 cups, batteries and carrying case. Measures 5 parameters including conductivity, TDS, salinity, pH and temperature using one electrode. Analog bargraph indicates trends. Memory stores up to 25 labeled readings. Adjustable Conductivity to TDS ratio from 0.4 to 1.0; 0.5 fixed Salinity ratio. CE certified. Features: Kit includes: EC500 meter, 3 calibration standards, 3 pH buffer pouches plus rinse solution, 3 cups, batteries and carrying caseMeasures 5 parameters including Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, pH, and Temperature using one electrode9 units of measure: pH, S/cm, mS/cm, ppm, ppt, mg/L, g/L, C, FAnalog bargraph indicates trendsMemory stores up to 25 labeled readingsAdjustable Conductivity to TDS ratio from 0.4 to 1.0; 0.5 fixed Salinity ratioRENEW feature alerts user when electrode needs replacement
electrical test meters
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