Finishing: Gives good result after polishing, melamine, UV and PU coating is recommended, staining not good due to its dark colour
Species: Am. Walnut
Scientific Name: Juglans nigra
Wood description: Heartwood color is red, brown, purple, dark brown. Sapwood color is white. Grains are straight and have distinct figure. Texture is coarse.
Weight: 1050-1100 kg/m3
Machining Properties: Easy to work with hand tools as well as machines
Drying & treatment: Drying is very slow, thorough air dried is required before kiln drying
Common uses: Luxury furniture, decorative veneer, flooring, panelling, panel doors & windows, kitchen cabinets, mouldings, musical instruments, gunstock, chairs, tables, gift items etc.
Additional Information: the wood is famous for its wavy, curly and mottled figure which are obtained from burls, crotches and stump wood. Growth rings are clear