CSR Network Service
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My CSR India is a news channel that focuses onsustainability, corporate social responsibility, corporategovernance, company CSR profiles, and interviewswith CSR leaders. On this channel, we deliver CSRnews from private and public sector companies, NGOs,startups, social workers, and more.In India, the India CSR Network is a significant mediaorganisation focused on Sustainable Development,Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Sustainability,and related topics. Corporate Governance, BusinessResponsibility, Human Rights, Sustainability,Sustainable Development, Workplace Safety,Industry 4.0, CSR 2.0, and other Socio-Economicconcerns are covered on the digital platform. Theorganisation, which was founded in 2009, strives tobecome a worldwide respected media outlet thatprovides essential information to its readers throughresponsible reporting.
structured networking services
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structured networking services, campus area networking
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