Survey Development and Analysis
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The survey process has many distinct parts, several of which require statistical or psychometric analysis. Our team can assist with all of the quantitative parts of the survey research process, including specifying the initial survey, developing the sampling plan, conducting psychometric tests for reliability, validity, and power, and analyzing the data from the responses. Specifying the Initial Survey Pvalue solutions survey development process begins with a consultation to understand the constructs you are interested in measuring. We work with you to operationalize your variables and constructs for future analysis, and to make choices such as whether or not to use open-ended or free-response questions or using a Likert scale versus other options. We can also analyze data from a pilot study to test for preliminary reliability and validity of the instrument Developing the Sampling Plan Once the survey instrument is generated, we can discuss your sampling methodology, and help you to choose among the various options such as • Random or stratified sampling • Purposeful, convenience, or probabilistic sampling • Paper versus an online survey Data Analysis Once the responses to the survey have been received, we can conduct the statistical analysis based on the pre-determined methodology. We are familiar with all of the standard quantitative methods most commonly used in evaluating the responses from survey research. Online Survey Tools We are very familiar with the leading online survey tools, including SurveyMonkey and Zoomerang.If you are using either of these tools, we can help via inputting the survey into the tool for you or downloading and collating the data outputs. If you are unsure of which survey tool to use, we can suggest which would be best for your particular study and can do all of the back-office work for you.
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