Natural Herbs Dealers in Kozhikode

(1 products available)
  • Paris Polyphylla

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    Paris flower (Paris polyphylla) is an interesting little Asian woodland bulb, widespread across China and related to Trilliums. The genus name is derived from ‘pars’ referring to the symmetry of the plant. The species polyphylla means many leaves; poly meaning many and phyla meaning leaves. It is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for antifebrile, alexipharmic, detumescent, demulsent, haemostatic and the treatment of haemopathy. It has been used to treat traumatic bleeding, inflammation, and microbial infection and over the pastdecade, the cancer. It’s root possess healing properties like analgesic, antiphlogistic, anti-spasmodic, anti-tussive, depurative and narcotic. A decoction of root is used in the treatment of poisonous snake bites, boils, ulcers, diphtheria and Japanese B encephalitis.

    Vedha Herbs
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