Tamarind Seed Powder
Tamarind Seed Powder, which we offer, is packed hygienically, ensuing retention of its properties. We are amongst the reliable Suppliers of Tamarind Seed Powder, located in Anjar (Gujarat). We offer the Tamarind Seed Powder at the market leading rates to the customers. Uses Of Tamarind Seed Powder : In textile industry as textile thickener and textile sizingFor sizing in dyeing industryIn printing industryJute sizingCotton wrapsPaper & explosive industrySoil stabilizerManufacturing of plywood's In the production of wood worksIn Mining industryIn Cosmetic industryIn Oil drilling and gas sectorIn Tobacco industryManufacturing of paints Due to its rich content of carbohydrates and protein Tamarind Seeds Powder is also used in producing adhesives.
...morePolyvinyl Alcohol
Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) can be a de-characterizing agent of thermosetting resin, mainly used as a binding agent such as carbamide, formaldehyde resin and melamine, for plywood, artificial board and timber processing. When mixed with melamine-formaldehyde resin, the Polyvinyl Alcohol size paste helps in increasing the viscosity and shortens both curing and cooling time with stronger initial cohesion. Uses of Polyvinyl Alcohol : Paper adhesive with boric acid in spiral tube winding and solid board productionThickener, modifier, in polyvinyl acetate gluesTextile sizing agentPaper coatings, release liner
...moreCopper Sulphate
Copper (II) Sulfate, also known as cupric sulfate or Copper Sulphate, is the chemical compound with the chemical formula CuSO4. For most of the Twentieth Century, chromated copper arsenate (CCA) was the dominant type of wood preservation for uses other than deep driven piles, utility poles, and railroad ties. To make pressure-treated wood, a large cylinder is filled with an aqueous chemical bath. Copper sulfate pentahydrate is dissolved in the water along with other additives prior to the lumber being placed inside the cylinder. When the cylinder is pressurized, the chemicals are absorbed by the wood, giving the wood fungicidal, insecticidal, and UV-light-reflecting properties that help preserve it. We are among the reliable Supplier of Copper Sulphate.
...moreCopper Sulfate
Acetic Acid
Washing Powder
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