Cockroaches Pest Control Services in Latur

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  • Cockroaches Pest Control Services

    Cockroaches Pest Control Services

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    Pests like cockroaches are known to cause havoc in infested areas, and they bring with them a wide range of diseases. Our world class Cockroach Pest Control Services provide the best solution for a cockroach infestation problem. We provide the best of the solutions after proper analysis of the problem and ensure that the problem doesn’t return anytime soon.   Objective : To implement the system of Anti cockroach & othher crawling inssect treatment to identify the species & asses the size & extennt of the Cockroaches & other crawling pests population & thereby achievving optimum control. System Consists : Control of cockroaches & crawling pests by spot treatment of gel bait, Blow Dusters Pressurized injection, Liquid Injection with special injector etc. Documentiing the activitiees on continuouus process. Pests covered : Cockroaches (German Cockroaches, American Cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches, Brown bandedd cockroaches)Red ants, black ants, etc.   System Component : Inspecting premises to prrovide a surveyy on the nature & extent of infestation. A comprehensive service plan, keeping contamination & safety in mind for spot treatment of gel bait. In, under & around cabineets. Along all plumbing lines. In, under & around all eleectric appliancees including refrigerators, dishwashers, washers & dryers, microwaves, coffee pots, tvs, radios & computers. A pea should also be placed on top of each electrical plug. On the bottom of drawers. Any other suspected roach harborages site. Maps or schematics showing the locations of the application of gel to be carried out shall be maintained Complete technical supervision & monitoring Program Description : Chemicals used : Gel baiit Equipments Used : Gel Innjector Gun for gel bait, Drain tip to be installed on the Knapsack sprayer, pressurized microinjector. Parameters of the treatment : Spot treatment of gel bait    Features : Odourless application - Safe to human population since over 90% foods as attractant. Cascading effect due to the omnivorous character of cockroaches feeding on excreta & dead cockroaches. Results of baiting will take a minimum of 10 days to fructify. Advantage of not removing material where applied on. Ideal when applied in storage areas. Baiting application using applicators only. Injection with Duster: Electrical areas, crack & crevices. Liquid injection: Equiped with special injector gun whichead to precise the insertion in crack & crevices.   Pressurized injection : Termite/wood boring insects inside crack & crevicces. Always wear personal protective clothing & safety equipments such as gloves, goggles & shoes. Tips on effective System Application : Advice the client on Store food in insect-proof containers such as glass jars or resealable plastic containers. Keep garbage & trash in containers with tight-fitting lids & use liners. Keep trash cans away from doorways. Remove trash, newspapers, magazines, piles of paper bags, rags, boxes, & other items that provide Harbourage Eliminate plumbing leaks & correct sources of free moisture. Increase ventilation if condensation is problem. Vacum cracks & crevices to remove food & debris. Be sure surfaces where food or beverages have been spilled are cleaned up immediately. Vacuming also Removes cockroaches, shed skins, & egg capsules. Keep your kitchen clean of food spills, especially during nights. Avoid keeping unwashed utensils in the sink Consequently an effective bait program does not give immediate results, but may take 7 days or longer. Baits can be quite effective for long-term control of cockroaches unless the cockroaches have other food Sources available to them.   Points to note : Seal cracks & other openings to the outside. Use weather stripping on doors & windows. Look for other methods of entry, such as from items being brought into the building, especially appliances, furniture, & items that were recently in storage. Inspect food deliveries before putting them in kitchens. Look for egg cases (oothecae) glued to undersides of furniture, in refrigerator & other appliance motors, boxes, & other items. Remove & destroy any that you find. Locate & seal cracks inside the treatment area where cockroaches can hide. Trim shrubbery around buildings to increase light & air circulation, especially near vents, & eliminate ivy or other dense ground covers near the house, as these may harbour cockroaches. From around the outside of buildings remove trash & stored items such as stacks of lumber or firewood that provide hiding places for cockroaches. Consider keeping a layer of gravel about 6 to 12 inches wide around the perimeter of buildings.   Targeted properties : Residential, communities, hospitality industry (Hotels,Hostel,Hospitals) Food Processing Areas (with high care), All kind of Storage Inject drops in off ground surfaces in cracks, crevices, cabinets, electrical, appliances motors, hoods of oven in kitchens, pastries, bakeries, food storage & plants, opertaion rooms & wards. Application Mode : Done by a special Applicator, Gel Injector with less or no spills & is odorless, in off ground surfaces. This gel bait could be used inside a unique bait station to be use in high sensitive area for food process. Injection with dusting powder with a special duster for electrical areas, crack & crevices. Liquid injection with special injector connected the sprayer gun’s head to precise the insertion in crack & crevices. Pressurized injection to be used for termite or other wood boring insects inside crack & crevices. Monitoring tools: Detector monitoring traps, Exoroach trap (For monitoring & control), Monitoring form for Safespray & Insjecta

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