Missed Calls Alert Services
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We are offering missed calls alert services. Benefits : ⷠfree for your customers - increase response from them ⷠautomatic disconnect after one ring - easy to use ⷠauto response options - sms. · single pan india number - integrate with your brand message ⷠintegrates with your existing it systems ⷠyou can get detailed analytics of who gave a missed call and time and duration of your response, how long the response call from your agent was ⷠmeasure your campaign response across locations, ads, channels with unique phone number for each source process of missed call service: 1. Customer places the call on your missed call number. 2. Caller will get a sms instantly, if sms service are active. 3. Data will be stored in the database. 4. Data can also be accessed from callcum's multiple accessing user call management panel.
missed call service
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Missed call service can fulfill many tasks including survey, customer contests, polls or other different tasks. With this service, you are never going to miss even a single response from your customers.
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