Divine Touch Physio N Rehab Center is a physiotherapy practice in Lucknow. This organization helps in alleviation of pain, disability and impairment through therapy. The clinic has a team of specialists who take proper care of pain in Muscles, joints, back Pain, cervicogenic headache, Migraine, strains, sprains and Rehabilitation for neurology respiratory Rheumatology, orthopedics Sports Injuries Obstetric gynecology. It provides Instant pain Relief service and a clear plan to recovery from the pain. Its services always satisfies the patients and getting the satisfactory services many patients have share their experience on various platforms. It has overall 1000+ satisfied customer, 9 year experience doctors. If we talk about its infrastructures all the rooms are well furnished and fully AC. For security purpose the complete centre is under CCTV surveillance so that no illegal activities can be taken place. There is an arrangement for Female Therapist for ladies. The patients are free to call for appointment.