opacity meter
Diesel smoke meter OPACIO 100 is used to measure the diesel engine exhaust smoke.The model is equipped with a Gas temperature pressure valve and distribution control cell in order to ensure measuring accuracy and repeatibilty.It can measure the complete opacity spectrum from 0 to 100 % in either continous or free acceleration test.
...moreLaser Speed Meter
225,000 Per Piece
Brand Name : Hariwill
Exhaust Analyzer
Exhaust gas analyzer BM 7777 is an analyzer for control of exhaust gases from PetrolCNGLP engines.It is highly accurate in measuring CO,CO2,HCCapable of checking Bharat stage 1 to 5 and beyond ,O2 and NOx. It is an ideal option for automobile emission diagnostics, Freedom to use any printer or Camera with the machine, There is no button to operate the machine, only mouse and keyboard, All standard accessories like pipe, Probe, RPM Cord, Oil Temp Cord, Webcam, Keyboard mouse and LED monitor.
...moreDiesel Smoke Meter
20,200,000 Per Piece
We are the leading manufacturers, exporters and supplier of this products.
Brand Name : Hariwill
Display : 30 To 5000 PPM
Power Supply : 30 C to 150 C
...morePetrol Exhaust Gas Analyser
pollution checking equipment
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