M-8 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber
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Our products conform to ASME-PVHO I-NFPA codes and standards Main Chamber Capacity Two Beds and Four Seats OR One Bed and Six Seats OR Eight Seats OR Customized - Combination to be specified while ordering Penetrations Additional 4 nozzles,50mm dia will be provided at suitable location.. Utilities Medical lock for main chamber Intercom /Sound powered communication system Oxygen & Carbon di oxide monitors with alarm CO2 Scrubber Fresh air ventilation Oxygen masks with dump facility for exiled CO2. with built in microphone. Entertainment facility Air conditioning of chamber for comfort Optional patient monitoring system for ECG, EEG, Pulse oxymetry etc. Optional PC-PLC based controls with HMI interface & data logging and Patient history spread sheet 100% Redundancy with auto and manual controls. Breathing quality air supply Detailed documentation with hard & soft copies and on line support through Team viewer software.