College Management System
We are offering college management system, school management system etc. Software for schools to manage student records, fees collection, route wise transport charges, birthday reminder, fees concession, fees dues and defaulters list. School college management system software, is a complete solution for managing a schoolcollege online, in other words an enhanced tool that assists in organizing the day-to-day activities of a schoolcollege. This schoolcollege management software has been engineered considering the vital needs of all the stakeholders in the school college system, namely, principal, administrator, teachers, students, parents, security and others.
...moreHospital Management System
We are offering hospital management system. Developed for medium & large size hospitals (100 beds+) ,hospital management & billing software, regulates all the functions & working of a hospital with 50-1000 beds. The software initiates with registering a patient, recommending him the required treatment, and getting admitted. Software module includes features like patient registration, opd, ward management, radiology, pathology, pharmacy, store, inventory, hr & payroll, finance & accounts, help desk, kitchen & laundry, mrd, dash board, mis reports you have all the modules integrated and functional with our software package.
...moreit consultancy
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