Speech Therapists in Lucknow

(3 service providers available)
  • Speech Therapy

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    We offer Speech Therapy. Pocket type, BTE, ITC, CIC, RTE ( please take each photo from net just clicking the name for example- pocket type hearing aid image.\r\n\r\nPocket type- these are analog hearing aids just having amplification so sound quality is poor and may be damaging to ears.\r\nBTE: behind the ear- very comfortable, most used variety, ranges from Rs 6000 to 1,30,000 depending upon the processor used and number of digital channels in it.\r\nRTE; receiver in the canal, although BTE type but with new technology- receiver has been separated from the hearing aid which goes inside ear canal , making hearing aid smaller, not visible and improving sound quality.\r\nCIC; completely in the canal, smallest variety, starts from 10,000\r\n Most suitable for youngs, girls- almost invisible.

  • Speech Therapy

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    Speech Therapy, special education, Sensory Integration Therapy

  • Looking for Speech Therapist Service Providers

  • Speech Therapist

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    Speech Therapist, analog hearing aid, Impedance Test

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