Lose Weight and Gain Weight Service
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Weight Loss/Gain: Weight-related issues involve imbalances in Kapha dosha (weight gain) and Pitta dosha (weight loss), affecting metabolism and appetite. Specific Conditions and Treatments: Weight Loss: Doshic Imbalance: Pitta dosha. Treatments:Virechana (purgation) to detoxify and balance Pitta. Basti (medicated enemas) to improve digestion. Abhyangam (oil massage) with warming oils to stimulate metabolism. And Udvartanam (herbal powder massage) to balance Pitta and regulate appetite. Weight Gain: Doshic Imbalance: Kapha dosha. Treatments:Udvartanam (herbal powder massage) to reduce excess Kapha. Virechana and Basti to balance Kapha and boost metabolism. Abhyangam with stimulating oils to enhance metabolic rate. Dietary Adjustments: Emphasize light, warming foods and reduce Kapha aggravating items.
weight gain program
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