SNR Reclamations Pvt. Ltd. Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana, punjab

  • tyre reclaim rubber

    tyre reclaim rubber

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    We are dealing in tyre reclaim rubber, Whole Tyre Reclaim Product profile (Grades) SNR 001 (Superfine) Source : Whole tyre scrap. Faster Mixing Cycle. Improved die swell. Reduction in consumption of electrical power due to nerve of compound & faster mixing cycle. Practically no reduction in hot air ageing properties.

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  • Butyl Reclaimed Rubber

    Butyl Reclaimed Rubber

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    SNR produces Butyl Reclaim Rubber from old used scrape of Butyl Tube with well equipped production machinery & Modern Laboratory. Possible sources of scrap butyl tubes include: Commercial or agricultural Tube dealers Individuals or companies in the field of waste Tubetire disposal

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  • Butyl Reclaim Rubber

    Butyl Reclaim Rubber

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    Butyl Reclaim Rubber from old used scrape of Butyl Tube with well equipped production machinery & Modern Laboratory. Commercial or agricultural Tube dealers, Individuals or companies in the field of waste Tubetire disposal.

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Contact Information

SNR Reclamations Pvt. Ltd.

  • SNR Reclamations Pvt. Ltd.
  • 114, Green Field, Near Pakhowal Road, Ludhiana - 141001 (Pb.) - INDIA., Punjab

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