Vibratory Furnace Charger
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Vibratory Furnace Charger consists of a vibrating feeder mounted on a moving trolley with a storage hopper mounted above the feeder. Material is loaded into storage hopper with help of either magnet or by conveyor. The furnace hood is arranged in such a way that it can be fitted for charging pouring. The furnace charger is placed on forged wheel to facilitate to and fro operation with help of geared motor on ground railing system. Once it is brought centre of feeding points vibratory motors starts in operation which will help to discharge material.Vibrating Furnace Charging Units are effective in reducing the chances of hazards to furnace operators faced in foundries or melting shops. With this safe automation system, the foundry men can work from a safe distance and prevent the damage arising out of molten metal splash. In addition to providing rapid and quick charging of the furnace, it also avoids the damage to furnace lining.