customized insecticide sprayers
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customized insecticide sprayers, Pest Control Equipment, Knapsack Sprayer
Solar Water Pumping System
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Unlike conventional diesel & electricity pumps, our Solar Pumps are powered by an array of solar panels. Solar Pumps are designed to operate on DC power produced by solar panels. These pumps are gaining popularity all over the world where electricity is either unreliable to very costly. Solar pumps are becoming a preferred choice in remote locations to replace diesels pumps. In such places Solar Pumps are even viable economically in comparison to extension of grid or running the pump on diesel. We are engaged in providing both centrifugal/submersible & surface pumps designed according to the customerĂ¢€™s need. Advantages : Along with the environmental advantages of solar power, solar pumps offer many other advantages as well. Low Operating Cost : One of the most important advantages is the negligible operating cost so the pump. Since there is no fuel required for the pump like electricity or diesel, the operating cost is minimalLow Maintenance A well designed solar system required little maintenance beyond the cleaning of the panels once a weekHarmonious with Nature : Another important advantage is that it gives maximum water output when it is most needed i.e. in hot & dry monthsFlexibility : The panels need not be right beside the well. They can be anywhere up to 20 meters from the well or anywhere you need the water. So it offers the freedom regarding the placement of panelsThese panels can also be turned on & off as per the requirement, provided the period between two operations is more than 30 seconds
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