Womens Health Services in College Road, Ludhiana

(3 service providers available)
  • Breast Augmentation Service

    Breast Augmentation Service

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    Breast augmentation is also known as "breast aug" or "boob job". It increases or restores the size of breasts with silicone gel implants, saline implants or fat transfer. It is one of the most popular and frequently performed cosmetic surgery procedures and is commonly known as Breast size increasing surgery. When Can You Consider A Breast Augmentation? Women who want to improve their figure by making it more attractive, or when a weight loss, pregnancy or the natural ageing process have affected the size or shape of the breasts, it is the best solution. In most women, there is a difference in the size of the breasts; when this asymmetry is striking, you can correct it with a breast augmentation. In cases of malformation of the breasts, as in tuberous breasts, breast augmentation surgery can solve the problem. If you are in good health, have a positive attitude and realistic expectations, you will most likely be a good candidate for this surgical procedure. You should consider that breast implants require follow-up and that their replacement may be necessary over time. Check with your plastic surgeon the pros and cons of this breast augmentation surgery.

  • Infertility Diagnosis & Treatment With laparoscopy in Punjab

    Infertility Diagnosis & Treatment With laparoscopy in Punjab

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    Laparoscopy Surgery in Ludhiana Punjab at Sofat Infertility & Women Care Centre is Done with latest technology with an advanced diagnostic approach as well as blocked fallopian tube infertility treatment approach. It is usually recommended in cases where all other diagnostic approaches fail to indicate the actual cause of infertility. The decision to undergo laparoscopy must be thoroughly evaluated by a fertility expert. How Laparoscopic Surgeons Diagnosis Treatment? A laparoscopy is a surgical procedure where a Laparoscopic Surgeons in India utilizes specialized instruments such as a laparoscope to view one’s abdominal organs, through smaller incisions. A laparoscope is a thin, fiber-optic tube and it is normally connected to a camera and light in order to view, diagnose, and repair the problem. The procedure is performed under anaesthesia and it takes a few hours. When is Laparoscopy Surgery in Ludhiana Recommended For Women? It should be noted that laparoscopy shouldn’t be done routinely, but rather a last resort for determining and treating certain cases of infertility. The fertility expert may recommend a laparoscopy in case a patient is affected by the following or in case the doctor suspects the following; Pelvic inflammatory disease or severe pelvic adhesions Pain during sexual intercourse Severe cramps or pelvic pain during your periods Ectopic pregnancy In other cases, laparoscopy for infertility treatment may be conducted to correct the following issues

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  • infertility treatment services

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