Sweet Almond Oil
640 Per Litre
1 Litre (MOQ)
Badam Oil
100 Per
Dabur Badam Oil is obtained from ripe kernels of Prunus Amygdalus. The 100% pure Dabur Badam Oil is extracted from best quality almonds. Dabur Badam Oil sharpens brain & strengthen nerves, besides improving body strength. It is also a mild laxative, which removes constipation in a natural way. Almond oil also contains vitamin E, which helps in making your skin soft & glowing. Regular application of Dabur Badam oil on the scalp makes hair strong & healthy. Almond The oil is popular with masseuses and aromatherapists as it is light, easily absorbed and makes an excellent carrier oil for essential oils. High in vitamins A, B and smaller amounts of vitamin E. An excellent emollient, easily absorbed into skin and particularly good for dry sensitive skin. Dabur Badam Tail is available in 3 SKUs: 25 ml, 50ml.
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