on line energy management systems
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Our group company Cosmic Electricals is well experienced in providing Online Energy Monitoring Systems to suit the requirement of a very small SME to Medium & Big industries. We offer both Cloud based and local server installed versions depending upon the customers’ requirementbudget. Our technical team can give in depth analysis of your energy consumption loadsection wise and provide the management the vital information by which not only the energy bill but the productivity of each departmentmachineworker can be evaluated. All the boards are now serious about the Power Quality and time is not far off when penalties will be levied for the presence of high harmonics like the way they do for the poor Power Factor. Our OEMS can give valuable feedback on the harmonics generation load wise. Should the situation require elimination at the source itself it can be easily done with the data available.
Energy Management System
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Energy Management System, Switchgear, Capacitor, Digital Meter, Sockets
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