Vitamin B Complex Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Litre (MOQ)
Benifits Nonspecific Anorexia & off feed conditions. Liver disorders, Hepatitis and Jaundice. Recover the fast Gastro Intestinal Diseases & disturbed gut mi-roflora. Debility& General weakness. Parasitic, General & Blood protozon diseases. Supportive therapy with Antibiotics. Nervous disorders. Dosages 1. Cattel & Horse 30-50 ml. 2. Calf, Sheep, Goat & Pig 10-20 ml. 3. Dog 5-10 ml. Ll-. Poultry for 100 birds Chicks 5-6 ml. 5. Growers / Broilers 8-10 ml. 6. Layers 10-15 ml. Each 5 ml contains: Vitamin B1 7 mg. Vitamin B2 2.5 mg. Vitamin B6 1 mg. Vitamin B12 12.5 mcg. Biotin 25 mog. Calcium Pantothenate 2.5 mg Niacin 75 mg. Choline Chloride 10mg. Methionine 10 mg. Lysine 20 mg. Coloalt sulphate limg.
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Liquid
...moreVit E -SE Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits Immunity booster, to reduce heat stress and for optimum vaccine response Dosage 1. Chicks, growers, layers & breeders 5 gm / 200 birds, 2. Broilers 5 gm / 50 birds. 3. In feed: 150 — 250 gm / ton. Each 100 gm Contains: Vitamin E: 10 g Selenium :1OO mg Biotin: 20 mg Protein Hydrolysatez 2A mg Carrier: q.s.
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : india
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreVeterinary Products
Type : Cattle Feed Supplement
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Powder
Application : Animal & Cattles
...moreMulti-Vita Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits Quick stress reliever Stimulates antibodies production for better immunity. Vaccine will be utilized properly and completely. Improve egg production and maintains good persistency. Broilers become more active with good growth and body weights. Dosage For oral administration - Poultry swine: 1 g per 2L-2.5L water continue for 3-5 days Calves, goats and sheep :1 g per1 O kg. body weight for 3 - 5 days. - Cattle :1 gram per 20 kg. body weight for 3 - 5 days. The above mentioned dosages should be doubled when use mixed with feed. - Medicated drinking water should be used within 2&1 hours. Each 1 Kg Contains: Vitamin A 3750000 IU Vitamin D3 750000 IU Vitamin E 1350 mg Vitamin K 2500 mg Vitamin B1 1000 mg Vitamin B2 500 mg Vitamin B6 1000 mg Each 1 Kg contains: Vitamin B126.25 mg Vitamin C 15000 mg Folic Acid 1000 mg Manganese A00 mg Zinc: 150 mg Iron A00 mg Methioninel500 mg Lysine 500 mg
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : India
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreHorse Feed
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Gwadha Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
BENEFITS OF GWADHA Balances ration, prevent deficiency diseases like anaemia, milk fever, post-parturient haemoglobin- uria, rickets, osteorosis & osteomalacia Improves feeding due to enhanced palatability Increase milk production Improves milk SNF & milk-fat content Ensures better growth in young animals & timely maturity Improves fertility & conception rate DQSAGE: Stall-fed animal : 1 kg/100 kg feed concentrate Individual animal: 1. Adult cow & bul"fa|o25 g daily . Calf 5-15 g daily
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Powder
...moreGrowth Promoter Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Litre (MOQ)
Benifits Nonspecific Anorexia & off feed conditions. Liver disorders, Hepatitis and Jaundice. Recover the fast Gastro Intestinal Diseases & disturbed gut mi-croflora. Debility& General weakness. Parasitic, General & Blood protozon diseases. Supportive therapy with Antibiotics. Nervous disorders. Dosage 1. Cattle & Buffalo & Horse: 110 to 120ml daily 2. Sheep, Goats & Calves: 30 to 60 ml daily 3. Poultry Chicks: 10 ml daily Grower & Broiler: 25 ml daily Layer: 50 ml daily Each 500 ml contains: Methionine 127.6 g Cholin Chloride 61.125 g Lysine hydrochloride63.125 g Calcium 1.5 g Magnesium 0.600 g Iron 0.200 g Manganese 0.350 g Zinc 0.200 g Copper 0.150 g Cobalt 0.200 g Phosphorus 0.150 g Potassium 0.300 g Sodium chloride 1000 g Yeast extract 20 g
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Liquid
...moreElectro-V-WS Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits - Amino A<:id+Vitamins Dosage Dissolve 100 g of powder through to every 200 liters of drinking water for 3-5 days Each 1 Kg Contains: Vitamin A: 18.0 M.|.U. Vitamin D3: Ll-.0 M.|.U Vitamin E: 6.1+ g Vitamin B2: 3.5 g Vitamin K3: 2.0 g Nicotinamide: 18 g Folic: Acid: 7.0 g Vitamin B1: 1.5 g Vitamin B6: 2.6 g Each 1 Kg contains: Biotin: 16 mg Vitamin B12: 10.0 mg Vitamin C: 11.0 g Threonine: 5.0 g Lysine: 20.0 g Methionine: 10.0 mg Magnesium: 7.0 mg Potassium: 8.5 mg Sodium: 20.0 mg Citric Acid: 18.0 g
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : india
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreCalci Cup Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Litre (MOQ)
Benifits Better milk production & increase milk fat percentage Prevent of milk fever & other calcium defi-ciencies in pregnant & lactating animals Dosages 1. Cattle & Buffalo : 50 ml twice dailty 2. Calf, Foal, Sheep Goat & Pig: 20 ml twice daily 3. Horse : 50 ml twice daily Each 10 ml Contains: Calcium Gluconatez 890 mg Calcium D saccharate: l+.5 mg Cholecalciferolz 1650 IU Ferric Ammonium Citrate: 165 mg Vitamin B12: 16.75 mcg
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Liquid
...moreB-Vita Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits In all B group deficiency In all stress conditions For better metabolism For normal development of feathers. Dosage 1. Poultry : 1 gm/2-A lt. of drinking water for 5-7 days. 2. Small Animals : 5 gm/animal/day for 5-7 days. 3. Came|,Horse & Cattle : 20-50 gm/ani- mal/day Each 1000 gm Contains: Vitamin B1 A000 mg. Folic acid 250000 mcg Vitamin B2 6000 mg Biotin 50000 mcg Vitamin B6 4000 mg Calcium D-Pantothenate 15000 mg Vitamin B12 25000 mg L-lysine 20000 mg Niacin 25000 mcg DL Methionine 10000 mg
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : India
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreAnimal feed Supplement
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Powder
Uses : Animal & Cattles
...moreAnima V Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits Vitamins & Minerals with probiotics for better milk production and growth, Nutrient for Reproduction, Production, Growth & Development. Dosage 1. Cow & Buffalo : 30-50 gm/day 2. Calf/Sheep/Goat/Pig : 15 gm/day or 0.5% to 1% in feed 3. Horse :50 gm / day Each 1 Kg contains: Vitamin A: 7,00,000 IU Vitamin D3 : 70,000 IU Vitamin E : 250 mg Iodine : 323 mg Selenium :12 mg Manganese : 1,550 mg Nicotinamide : 1,005 mg Calcium : 25.5% Phosphorus : 12.50% Each 1 Kg contains: Sulphur: 0.72% Copper: 5,000 mg Sodium : 5.90 mg Cobalt : 150 mg Potassium : 100 mg Magnesium : 6,100 mg Iron : 1,500 mg Zinc : 9,500 mg Lactobacillus Sp. : 1.5 x 1011 CFU Saccharomyces Cerevisiae : 35,000 CFU
Packaging Type : PP Packets
Form : Powder
...moreAnima Dudh Plus Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Composition: Rumen stable bypass Fat & Protein Enriched with carbohydrates,chleated chromium & probiotics. Benifits Better milk production Increase fat, protein content in milk Improve health & reproductive performance Dosage Cattle & Buffalo: 100 g or 1.0-1.5% daily in feed
Packaging Type : PP Packets
Form : Powder
...moreAnima A Gold Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 KilogramKilogram (MOQ)
Dosage & Administration: 1. Cow/Buffalo: 30 g/day for maintenance 50 g/day for higher milk production 2. Ca|f/ Sheep / Goat / Pig: 15 g/day 3.Horse : 50 g/day 4. Else as 0.5-1% in feed or as recommended by veterinarian or animal nutritionist. Each 1.25 kg contains Calcium : 250 gm Phosphorus : 127.5 gm Magnesium : 6.0 gm Manganese : 1.5 gm Iron : 1.55 gm Iodine : 323 mg Copper : 11.3 gm Zinc : 9.5 gm Cobalt : 150 mg Sulphur: 7.2 gm Each 1.25 kg contains Potassium : 100 mg Sodium : 6 mg Selenium :11 mg Vitamin A: 700000 IU Vitamin D3 : 70000 IU Vitamin E: 250 mg Nicotinamide : 1000 mg Chromium :79 mg
Packaging Type : PP Packets
Form : Powder
...moreANi-Forte Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits Faster weight gain Prolonged peak production Better FCR Improved hatchability Healthy flo<:k Prevents leg weakness Prevents fatty liver syndrome Dosage 1. Poultry: 2 kg per ton of feed 2. Fish & Shrimp: 2-A kg per ton of fee Each 2 Kg Contains: Vitamin A: 125,00,000 IU Vitamin D3 : 25,00,000 IU Vitamin B2 : 2 gm Vitamin B6: 0.1+ gm Vitamin E: 800 IU Vitamin K: 2 gm Calcium Pantothnate: A gm Each 2 Kg contains: Vitamin B12 : 5.6 mg Choline Chloride: 10 gm Calcium : 700 gm Manganese : 35 gm Iodine : 1 gm Iron: 8 gm Zinc: : 25 gm Copper: 2 gm Carrier: Q5.
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : india
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreAlyte C Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits To prevent and treat dehydration and to maintain cosmotic balance. In summer to avoid dehydration and heat stroke. As an aid in diarrhoea and dysentery. To maintain correct oasmotic pressure and precise acid base equilibrium Dosage 1. Cow, Buffaloes: 60 gm daily for 5 days 2. Calves, Sheep and Goat: 30 gm daily for 5 day 3. Dogs: 5-10 gm per day Ll-. Horses & Camels - Light Work: 30 gm per day - Moderate Work: 60 gm per day - Intense work: 90 gm per day - Or as advise by Consultant Veterinarian Each 250 gm Contains: Sodium : 2 gm Potassium : 7.50 gm Sodium Bicarbonate : 3 gm Sodium Citrate : 6.5 gm Calcium Lactate : l+.25 gm Magnesium : 2.50 gm Vitamin C (Coated): 1.25 gm Dextrose Anhydrous: Q.S.
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : india
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreAlcforte Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits To meet metabolic and production needs Dosage Add 250 g / ton of feed Nutritional Value Per Kg Vitamin-A SOMIU Vitamin-D3 MMIU Vitamin-E 20g Vitamin-K3 8g Vitamin-B1 3.2g Vitamin-B2 32g Vitamin-B6 3.6g Vitamin-B12 0.02Ll-Q Niacin 28g Calcium Pantothenate 16g Folic: Acid 5.6g Carrier q.s.
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : India
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreALCED- SF Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Litre (MOQ)
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Liquid
ALC Primer Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits To meet metabolic and production needs Dosage Add 250 g / ton of feed Each 250 Gm Contains: Vitamin A: 1,00,00,000 IU Vitamin D3 : 20,00,000 IU Vitamin B1 : 800 mg Vitamin B2 : 5,000 mg Vitamin B6 : 1,600 mg Vitamin B12 : 20,500 mcg Niacin : 12,000 mg Calcium D-Pantothenate : 8,000 mg Vitamin K3 : 1,200 mg Vitamin E: 8,200 mg Folic Acid : 400 mg
Form : Powder Liquid
Country of Origin : India
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreALC Plus Gold Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benefits Improve milk yeild Sflentheat Repeat breeding Improve health & immunity Dosage 30-50 gm daily in feed to improve reproductive ability and milk yield. Each 1 Kg contains: Copper as Methionine Hydroxy analogue complex A500 mg Manganese as Methionine Hydroxy analogue complex 3900 mg Zinc as Methionine Hydroxy analogue complex 9600 mg Iron 3000 mg Cobalt 111+ mg Iodine 370 mg Bioactive Chromium 65 mg Selenium 7.5 mg Sodium A500 mg Sulphur 6270 mg Calcium 191 gm Phosphorous 95 gm Magnesium l+.5 gm Vitamin A 750000 IU Vitamin D3 70000 IU Vitamin E 200 mg Niacinamide 800 mg D-Biotin (2%) 500000 mcg Choline Chloride 30 gm Methionine Activity as HMTBA 94.2 gm
Packaging Type : PP Packets
Form : Powder
...moreALC Multi Vit Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Litre (MOQ)
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Liquid
ALC Mix Gold Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Litre (MOQ)
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Liquid
ALC Mix Cattle Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benefits of Alc Mix Improve milk yield and to improve reproductive ability of animals Dosage: 1. Cow / Buffalo : 30-35 g mix in feed 2. Calves & Heifers : 15-25 g for better growth in health 3. Addition in feed: 1 kg/100 kg of feed
Packaging Type : Cans and Bottles
Form : Powder
...moreALC Minmix Poultry Feeds Supplements
100 Kilogram (MOQ)
Benifits Improve milk yield and to improve reproductive ability of animals Dosage 1. Cow / Buffalo : 30-35 g mix in feed 2. Calves & Heifers : 15-25 g for better growth in health 3. Addition in feed: 1 kg/100 kg of feed Each Kg contains: Zinc: sulfate equivalent to elemental Zinc: 75 g Ferrous sulfate equivalent to elemental Iron A0 g MN sulfate equivalent to elemental Manganese 12 g Copper sulfate equivalent to elemental Copper 12 g Cobalt sulfate equivalent to elemental Cobalt 1200 mg Sodium selenite equivalent to elemental Selenium 200 mg Potassium iodide equivalent to elemental Iodine A000 mg Vitamin A 5000000 IU Vitamin D3 1000000 IU Vitamin E 220 mg
Form : Powder
Country of Origin : india
Packaging Type : PP Packets
...moreOpening Hours