Environmental Laboratory Services in Mahesana

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  • environmental laboratory services

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    We render Environmental Laboratory Services that are professionally designed. The Environmental Laboratory Services, rendered by us, are reckoned to be effectual and competent. Our Environmental Laboratory Services involve conducting several tests on various parameters. The Environmental Laboratory Services are undertaken by the professionals who have hands-on experience of many years. Lab Analysis Capabilities Ambient Air & Stack Gases / Source emissions monitoring : PM, SPM, SO2, Nox, HC etc.Physical tests : Color, conductivity, pH, TS, TDS, TSS, Turbidity etc.Chemical test : COD, BOD, O&G, Fluorides, Acidity, Alkalinity, Hardness, Sulfate, Phosphate, Phenols, Heavy metals etc.Micro-biological parameters : Total Coliforms, Total Plate count, MPN, etc.Bio-Assay of toxic pollutants Data for Environmental Laboratory Services Ambient Air / Fugitive Emission : Oxide of Nitrogen (NOx), Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Ammonia (NH3), Total Hydrocarbon, Acid Mist, HF, Fluoride, Chlorine, Respirable Particulate MatterStack Gases / Source Emission : Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxide of Nitrogen (NOx), Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Ammonia (NH3), Velocity, Acid Mist, Fluoride, HF, Chlorine, Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of NitrogenWater & Wastewater AnalysisPhysical Tests : Color, Conductivity, pH value, Suspended Solids, Suspended Volatile Solids, Settleable Solids, Sludge Volume Index, Salinity, Total Solids, Total Volatile Solids, Temperature, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids at 180oCChemical Tests � General : Acidity, Alkalinity, Ammonia Nitrogen, Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Bromide, Chloride, Chlorine Demand, Chlorine Residual, Cyanide, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Oxygen, Fluoride, Hardness (Total and Calcium), Iodide (Traces), Nitrogen (Organic), Nitrogen Nitrite, Nitrate-Nitrogen- Nitrate, Oil and Grease, Phosphate, Sulphate, Sulphide, Sulphite, SilicaChemical Tests � Metals : Arsenic, Aluminium, Boron, Cadmium, Calcium, Chromium Total & Chromium (Hexavalent), Copper, Iron, Lead, Lithium, Magnesium, Manganese, Mercury, Nickel, Potassium, Sodium, ZincChemical Tests � Organics : PhenolsMicrobiological Parameters : Total Coliforms, Total Plate Count, Feacal Coliform Organisms (MPN), E-coli, Identification of Sulphur Bacteria, Identification of Salmonella, Identificaton of ShigellaBioassay of Toxic Pollutants : Toxicity Industrial effluent on fish

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