• Watermelon Powder

    Watermelon Powder

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    Watermelon is the favourite summer fruit in the hot and dry regions of India. It is common sight to see vendors with huge fruits piled under a tree. Watermelon is an annual herbacious vine with long (up to 10 m) stems lying or creeping on the ground, with curly tendrils. Leaves are 5-20 by 3-19 cm, and hairy, usually deeply palmately lobed with 3-5 lobes. Leaf stalks are 2-19 cm long. Male flowers on 1.2-4.5 cm long pedicels. Flowers 1-2.5 cm long, pale green. Flowers monoecious, solitary, on pedicels up to 4.5 cm long; with 5 shortly united petals, pale green. Fruit of wild plants 1.5-20 cm in diameter, nearly spherical, greenish, mottled with darker green; of cultivated plants up to 30x60 cm, spherical or ellipsoid, green or yellowish, evenly coloured or variously mottled or striped. Fruits vary considerably in morphology. The cultivated forms of the fruit are large oblong.   Asthma prevention Blood pressure watermelon can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. Watermelon, because of its water and fiber content, helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract. watermelon is a great snack to have on hand during the hot summer months to prevent dehydration. Watermelon and watermelon juice have been shown to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time following exercise in athletes. Watermelon is also great for your skin because it contains vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair.

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  • Vijaysar Wood

    Vijaysar Wood

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    Vijaysar is safe and cheap method to take care of Diabetics, weight control and reduce joints pain.Vijaysar was first introduced by Sushruta(1000s of years ago for this disease. About 50 C. C. Water extract should be given in divided doses for three times a day. It provides a sense of well being and keeps normal health along with prompt symptomatic relief. Vijaysar anti- Diabetes herbal wood Glass is thus, a time tested and effective means of controlling diabetes. It is also a means of reducing excess fat from the body, controlling blood sugar and purifying blood.   Control diabetes with Vijaysar herbal wood tumbler Diabetes Overweight High BP Joint Pains Improves digestion

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  • Turmeric


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    The plant of Turmeric is a herbaceous perennial, which is 60 -90 cm high. It has a short stem. It has large leaves oblong and up to turmeric-plantone meter long. Flowers of the turmeric appear on a spike like the stalk. Its flowers are yellow white in colour. They are sterile and donot produce viable seed. The lamina is green above and pale green below, and is 30 -40 cm long and 8 -12 cm wide. Approximately 30 flowers are produced in a spike. Inflorescence is a central spike of 10 -15 cm in length. Its pant looks like the ginger pant.   Turmeric is used as condiment in every Indian household. It is used as a colouring matter for foodstuffs. The yellow dye obtained from turmeric is used for dyeing cotton, silk, wool, paper etc. It has medicinal properties and is used for external application against pain and wounds and internally as stimulant. It is used in the preparation of cosmetics and Ayurvedic medicines. It has religious value and is used in various functions and festivals. It is used for preparation of kum-kum, bookha etc. It is important cash crop and gives valuable foreign exchange t country.  

    Botanical Name : Curcuma longa

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  • Tulsi Oil

    Tulsi Oil

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    The plant Tulsi or Holy Basil (Botanical name Ocimum Sanctum ) belongs to family Lamiaceae. It is a tropical plant which grows as and also cultivated. Tulsi is worshipped by Hindus and is an important symbol of Hindu religion. It is a very common sight to find Tulsi Vrindavan ( A special structure where tulsi is grown) in houses of Hindus. The tulsi shrub is an erect plant which grows to a height of 50 to 60 cm tall. It has hairy stems, opposite ovate leaves and purple flowers. Leaves have strong scent.

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  • Tulsi


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    The plant Tulsi or Holy Basil (Botanical name Ocimum Sanctum ) belongs to family Lamiaceae. It is a tropical plant which grows as and also cultivated. Tulsi is worshipped by Hindus and is an important symbol of Hindu religion. It is a very common sight to find Tulsi Vrindavan ( A special structure where tulsi is grown) in houses of Hindus. The tulsi shrub is an erect plant which grows to a height of 50 to 60 cm tall. It has hairy stems, opposite ovate leaves and purple flowers. Leaves have strong scent.     Prevents Malaria and Dengue fevers Stress reliever - By chewing about 10-12 Basil leaves daily, stress can be kept away to a certain extent. Stomach problems like flatulence, acidity and constipation Mouth ulcers- Just by chewing some Tulasi leaves helps to heal mouth ulcers. Helps in treating Cholera. Improves Memory power Helpful in relieving headache - A paste of Tulsi and sandal wood applied on the forehead to get instant relief from headache. A decoction of the leaves can be given for this disorder. The Anti-carcinogenic agents of Tulsi helps to help fight against cancer.  

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  • Strawberry Powder

    Strawberry Powder

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    Strawberry is a small, low-lying, spreading shrub. It bears small white flowers which eventually develop into small conical, light green, immature fruits. They turn red up on maturity with each berry featuring red pulp with tiny, yellow color seeds piercing through its surface from inside. Its top end carries a green leafy cap and stem that is adorning its crown. Each berry features conical shape, weighs about 25 grams and measures about 3 cm in diameter. The berries have the taste that varies by cultivar type, and ranges from quite sweet to acidic.   Strawberry is low in calories (32 cal/100 g) and fats but rich source of health promoting phyto-nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. Strawberries have significantly high amounts of phenolic flavonoid phyto-chemicals called anthocyanins and ellagic acid. Strawberry has an ORAC value (oxygen radical absorbance capacity, a measure of anti-oxidant strength) of about 3577 µmol TE per 100 grams. It is easily digested and is not subject to acetous fermentation in the stomach. The fresh fruit removes discoloration of the teeth if the juice is allowed toremain on for about five minutes and the teeth are then cleansed with warm water, to which a pinch of bicarbonate of soda has been added. Fresh berries are an excellent source of vitamin-C (100 g provide 58.8 mg or about 98% of RDI), which is also a powerful natural antioxidant. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamin C helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents, counter inflammation and scavenge harmful free radicals. The fruit is rich in B-complex group of vitamins. It contains very good amounts of vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid and folic acid. These vitamins are acting as co-factors help the body metabolize carbohydrate, proteins and fats. Strawberries contain vitamin-A, vitamin-E and health promoting flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, zea-xanthin, and beta-carotene in small amounts. These compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various disease processes.

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  • Shilajit


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    Shilajit is the most important drug of Ayurvedic and folk-medicine systems. In the raw form it is a bituminous substance, which is a compact mass of vegetable organic matter composed of dark red gummy matrix. It is bitter in taste, and its smell resembles cow’s stale urine. The botanical name of Shilajit is asphaltum (mineral pitch). Shilajit usually collected over the ground or is found flowing out from between fissures in the rocks in summer months due to strong heat of the sun. In India, it is found in the romantic surroundings of the Himalayas: from Arunachal Pradesh in the east to Kashmir in the west. It is collected in small quantities from steep rock faces at altitudes between 1000 and 5000 m. Shilajit samples from different region of the world have different physiological properties. Shilajit is a powerful tonic that increases energy, strength and sexual energy. It is widely used for diabetes, genito-urinary diseases, gallstone, jaundice, enlarged spleen, dyspepsia, worms, digestive troubles, hysteria, insanity, nerve diseases, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, tuberculosis, leprosy, eczema, elephantiasis, anorexia, bronchitis, asthma and fracture of bones. Shilajit amplifies the benefits of other herbs by enhancing their bio-availability. Shilajit improves memory and the ability to handle stress. Shilajit reduces recovery time in muscle, bone and nerve injuries. Shilajit stimulates the immune system and reduces chronic fatigue. It promotes strong bones and heals damages muscle tissues, osteoarthritis and porous.

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  • Natural Shatavari Plants

    Natural Shatavari Plants

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    Shatavari is considered to be the most helpful herb for women as it helps in balancing the female hormonal system. The main herbal rejuvenative for women, Shatavari nourishes and cleanses the blood and the female reproductive organs thus supporting the body's natural fertility. It nourishes the womb and ovum and supports the female organs for pregnancy. It also promotes body's natural lactation. Shatavari contains phyto-estrogens, the precursors of estrogen and is very useful for women who suffer from low natural estrogen levels as a result of menopause, hysterectomies or oophorectomies. Properties : Nutritive tonic, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, galactogogue, laxative, antispasmodic, Antacid, diuretic, antitumor, demulcent   It helps in healthy menstruation and helps in reducing the pain. It is also a support for menopausal women’s (whose menses are stop) symptoms such as hot flushes. It helps to enhance the fertility power. It is also helpful in old age people as it soothes the systemic dryness which is part of natural ageing process. It also helps in healthy production of shukra (semen) in males. It helps in calming the mind. It helps to enhance the breast milk in lactating mothers.

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  • Sapota Powder

    Sapota Powder

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    The sapota or sapodilla tree (botanical name: Achras zapota of sapotaceae family) grows in regions of the tropical and subtropical climates in south, west, and east 1ndia.l The Indian sapota tree is about half the size of the original South or Central American species which may grow to an average height of about 15 m.2 The American plant exudes milky latex when the bark of the trunk is cut while the Indian plant is mostly dry. However, when the fruit of the Indian plant is plucked from its calyx, a milky latex oozes out. Sapota commonly called chiku is an important fruits of India. Due to its hardy nature. It is the most common plant of the kitchen gardens.   Sapodilla is one of the high calorie fruits; 100 g provides 83 calories (almost same as that of calories in sweet potato, and banana). it is a very good source of dietary fiber (5.6 g/100g), which makes it an excellent bulk laxative. Sapote contains a good amount of antioxidant vitamins like vitamin C (24.5% of recommended daily intake per 100 g of fruit), and vitamin A. It is also required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin. The gum, called chicle is extracted from the stem by tapping and is used in the manufacture of cheuring gum. Jam and Jellies are prepared from sapota and sold in tins. The bark of sapota tree contains Tannin, which is used in leather tanning Industries and in the manufacture of Ink. Glucose and pectin are extracted from the fruit. Sapota tree resists diseases and is a sturdy, strong tree. It yields better in company – that is it needs one or more trees nearly for cross – pollination.

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  • Sandalwood Oil

    Sandalwood Oil

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    Sandalwood Oil is a profoundly versatile essential oil for its applications spiritual and emotional applications as well as its applications in perfumery/fragrancing and skin care.Sandalwood has been used since ancient times as incense for spiritual applications. Sandalwood Essential Oil is deeply grounding and is useful for chakra work. Properties: Anti septic, anti inflammatory, anti phlogistic, anti spasmodic, astringent, cicatrisant, carminative, diuretic, disinfectant, emollient, expectorant, hypotensive, memory booster, sedative and tonic   Protects wounds from infections Soothes inflammations due to fever and otherwise Clears spasm Tightens gums & muscles and helps stop hair fall & haemorrhage Heals scars & after marks Gives relief from gas Increases urination Fights infections Keeps skin smooth & free from infections

    Extraction Method : Solvent Extracted or Steam Distilled (called Rose Otto)

    Color : Clear with a Yellow Tinge

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  • Safed Musli Powder

    Safed Musli Powder

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    Safed musli is originally found in forest areas in natural form. Its botanical name is Chlorophytum tuberosum. This species is found in abundance in natural forest areas. The plant is distributed in the subtropical Himalayas from Kumaon eastwards, the Khasia hills, Bengal, Assam, Kokan, Kanara, West peninsula and Madras extending to Kanyakumari. This plant was observed growing in patches in Pine in Rani khet and adjoining areas. It belongs to family Liliaceae. It is a herb with sub erect lanceolate leaves. It flowers in the month of August and early September. The flowers are white in color. The leaves are dried in the month of Dec.Jan. and it remains dormant during rest of year (early winter till break of monsoon). The propagation through seeds is very scarce. Since the establishment of the crop by seeds is very rare; if the tubers are removed the herb can not be reestablished in the natural forests.

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  • Safed Musli

    Safed Musli

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    Safed musli is originally found in forest areas in natural form. Its botanical name is Chlorophytum tuberosum. This species is found in abundance in natural forest areas. The plant is distributed in the subtropical Himalayas from Kumaon eastwards, the Khasia hills, Bengal, Assam, Kokan, Kanara, West peninsula and Madras extending to Kanyakumari. This plant was observed growing in patches in Pine in Rani khet and adjoining areas. It belongs to family Liliaceae. It is a herb with sub erect lanceolate leaves. It flowers in the month of August and early September. The flowers are white in color. The leaves are dried in the month of Dec./Jan. and it remains dormant during rest of year (early winter till break of monsoon). The propagation through seeds is very scarce. Since the establishment of the crop by seeds is very rare; if the tubers are removed the herb can not be reestablished in the natural forests. Cultivation : Safed Musli requires well drained loamy to sandy loam soils rich in organic matter. Warm and humid climatic condition with good amount of soil moisture during the growing season favour luxuriant vegetative growth and facilitate fleshy root development.   Safed musli is a very popular aphrodisiac agent, with no side effects. It is often prescribed for enhancing male potency and overcoming signs of fatigue. It is particularly used for individuals with low sperm count and low libido. It is also regarded as an energy booster in asthmatic conditions. The roots of the herb are also used to strengthen the general immune system of the body. The tuber roots of the plant have been used since ancient times, to prepare nutritive tonic for sexual weakness and is used in Ayurvedic medicines even today. Safed musli proves useful as a nutritive tonic for both the mother and the fetus, during pregnancy and is also used to replenish the body fluids during the post-partum stage. The herb improves the quantity and flow of breast milk, in feeding mothers. It has many health promotional benefits. It is used to control and prevent obesity and its side effects. Safed musli is also beneficial in the treatment of natal and postnatal problems.

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  • Rose Oil

    Rose Oil

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    Emotionally, Rose Oil is helpful during times of stress. It is considered the choice oil for use during times of grief. I have read comments from those that have Post Traumatic Shock Disorder (PTSD) that it can be helpful for those that suffer from PTSD and varying levels of anxiety. When used in low concentrations, Rose Oil be helpful for insomnia. Rose Oil is considered an aphrodisiac.Therapeutically, Rose Oil is heralded for nurturing maturing skin and for its use with menstruation, menopause and hormonal issues for women. Properties: Anti depressant, anti phlogistic, anti septic, anti spasmodic, anti viral, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, cholagogue, cicatrisant, depurative, emenagogue, haemostatic, hepatic, laxative, nervine, stomachic, uterine   Fights depression and uplifts mood Soothes inflammation due to fever Protects wounds against septic Enhances libido and cures sexual disorders Tightens gums, muscles and stops haemorrhage Promotes discharges and secretions Heals scars, purifies blood, opens up obstructed menses Stops haemorrhage, boosts liver health Cures constipation, cures nervous disorders, good for stomach, good for uterine health

    Botanical Name : Rosa damascena

    Extraction Method : Solvent Extracted or Steam Distilled (called Rose Otto)

    Color : Deep Red for Rose Absolute, Light Yellow for Rose Otto

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  • Potato Powder

    Potato Powder

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    Potato powder is used in making pizzas, samosa, cuisines, salad and soups. Potato Powder offered by us is free from adulteration. Potato Powder is processed through a unique and advanced technology known as Low Temperature Cold Drying Technology (LTCD). Potatoes are dehydrated under a constant stream of warm air for preparing potato powder. It is rich in carbohydrate hence act as good source of energy. Convenient to use and store, air dried potato powder can be added to breads, casseroles, and vegetable dishes. Potatoes are dehydrated under a constant stream of warm air to reduce the moisture content. Can be added to instant soups, snack mixes, vegetable dips potato & pasta dishes and dressings.   Potato powder is good for curing stomach ulcers It also helps to cure inflamed conditions of the colon Potato powder are low on the glycemic index scale, and some research suggests that it can also helps to reduce low blood sugar and insulin resistance in people suffering from diabetes. Maintains a low sodium intake and help to lower blood pressure. It contains beta-carotene which may play a protective role against prostate cancer The high fibre content in potato powder help to prevent constipation Antioxidants like vitamins C and E in sweet potatoes helps to improve eye health and prevent degenerative damage. It can also be used as thickening agent. Potato powder also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes.

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  • Pomegranate


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    It is widely grown in the subtropics and tropics for it's ornamental beauty and leathery fruit, in colder climates it will often fail to fruit. It is an attractive plant with glossy green leaves and scarlet flowers. Trees do not bear well until 5 or 6 years old. Flowering starts in late spring and continues into summer; under suitable conditions the fruit should mature 5 to 7 months later. High temperatures are essential during fruit development for a good flavour. The fruit mature between March and May and can be picked a little before full maturity and ripened in storage. In areas where rain occurs during harvest, pick the fruit before they are fully ripe to avoid the skin becoming waterlogged and splitting. It can be stored for several months if hung to dry in a cool, airy place. Pomegranates should be planted in full sun and like long, hot summers although it sets more fruit after a cold winter. It is very drought resistant but grows better with a good supply of water; it also tolerates a period of wet feet. Pomegranates prefer well-drained loam, pH 5.5 - 7, but tolerate considerable amounts of alkalinity and sodium in the soil. It should be mulched annually with rotted manure or compost. Pomegranates fruit on spurs of mature wood, prune the tree lightly in winter to encourage new spur growth and remove any limbs causing crowding in the centre of the crown.   A decotion of seed is used to treat syphilis. Juice used to treat jaundice and diarrhoea. Juice of flower is used to treat nose bleeds. The fruit pulp and the seed are stomachic. Dried, pulverized flower buds are employed as a remedy for bronchitis. Seeds are used as a seasoning in dal, fried samosa, stuffings and chutneys Pomegranate juice is refreshing and can be used in soups, sauces, jellies, ices or made into a sweet syrup called grenadine that flavours drinks, ice cream, cakes and baked apples. The dried seeds are used as a seasoning in dhal, fried samosa, stuffing and chutney. It is important to remove every piece of skin surrounding the seeds, as this is bitter.  

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  • plum powder

    plum powder

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    plum, common name for a tree of any of many species of the genus Prunus of the family Rosaceae (rose family) and for its fruit, a drupe. The plum is generally cultivated in the temperate zones, though among the numerous varieties and hybrids are types suitable for many soils and sites. Of the plum's more than 100 species 30 are native to North America. It has been cultivated since prehistoric times, longer perhaps than any other fruit except the apple. Alexander the Great is said to have introduced it into Greece from Syria or Persia, where the damson plum had long been grown. The name damson is now applied to several varieties of Prunus domestica, the common garden plum of European or SW Asian origin, e.g., P. domestica var. insititia and others having small leaves and small, oval fruits usually borne in clusters. The fruits are generally tart and are favored for preserves. The greengages and prune plums are also varieties of P. domestica. Populations of plum trees that grow in the wild usually revert to the damson type. In the United States the wild red plum ( P. americana ) is found along streams and in thickets from New York to the Rocky Mts. Its small, sweet fruit has a purple bloom.   Plums and its dried form, known as ‘Prune’ are high in unique phytonutrients called neochlorogenic and chlorogenic acid. Their function is that of an anti-oxidant and is of much benefit. Consumption of plums helps in the production and absorption of iron in the body, thus leading to better blood circulation in the body, which further leads to the growth of healthy tissues. Regular consumption of plums will prevent macular degeneration and any other infection of the eye in the long run. Your eyes will be healthy and strong for long time and you can also retain a sharp eye-sight. Researchers have found that plums have anti-cancer agents that may help prevent the growth of cancerous cells and tumors in the body. Eating plums also reduces your chances of contracting a heart disease in the long run. Plums have certain cleansing agents that keep the blood pure and also prevent complications of the heart. Plums have high content of Vitamin C, which means it helps protect against health conditions like asthma, colon cancer, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Plums are plentiful in minerals like potassium, fluoride and iron. Iron is required for red blood cell formation. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Fresh plums, especially yellow Mirabelle type, are a moderate source of vitamin A and beta-carotene. Vitamin A is essential for good eye sight. It is also required for maintaining healthy mucusa and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A has found to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers. The fruit is also good in health promoting flavonoid poly phenolic antioxidants such as lutein, cryptoxanthin and zea-xanthin in significant amounts.    

    Botanical Name : Prunus Mume

    Common Name : Asian Plum

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  • Pippali Plant

    Pippali Plant

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    This is one of the most ancient herbs in vogue in traditional medicine. In Atharva veda, Pippali is mentioned as Rasayana (anti-oxidant). Hindu mythology reveals that Pippali has its origin during Samudra manthana along with Amrita (elixir). Both Charaka and Susruta have quoted this plant among the the degestives as well as health tonics. But is tis interesting to note that Charaka cautioned excessive usuage of this plant. There are two varieties of Pippali small & large which are botanically identified with P. longum and P.chaba. Its root is also used extensively in medicine.     Helps to improve the lungs health and helps in comfortable breathing. Helps to improve digestive fire and thus act as appetizer. Helps in relieving the cold sensation of skin. It helps to improve the sleep quality at night. It helps in cleaning the srotas (channels) which transport nutrients and helps to remove wastes from the body. Headache, Toothache, Cough, Stomach upset, Trouble sleeping (insomnia).

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  • Pineapple Powder

    Pineapple Powder

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    Pineapple contains a proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which digests food by breaking down protein. Only modest quantities of bromelain are in the edible parts of the fruit, all commercially all commercially available bromelain is derived from the stem. Bromelain supplements are particularly popular among athletes for treating all sorts of physical aches and injuries. There are questions about how well bromelain is absorbed, and to many herbal authorities the value may be overstated. Nature gave us many similar proteolytic enzymes, (like Ginger), that are more highly concentrated in the edible parts of the plants. Pineapple is healthy fruit, a good source of manganese, as well as containing significant amounts of Vitamin C.   Age-related macular degeneration Asthma prevention Blood pressure Maintains a low sodium intake and help to lower blood pressure. Cancer Diabetes Digestion Healing and Inflammation Heart health  

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  • Peppermint Oil

    Peppermint Oil

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    The aroma of Peppermint Essential Oil is familiar and pleasant to most. Peppermint Oil is very intense and is far more concentrated than most other steam distilled essential oils. At low dilutions, it is fresh, minty and quite uplifting. Its a favorite around Christmas and the holidays, but is also popular year round. Peppermint Essential Oil contains menthol. Menthol induces a cooling sensation, and use of Peppermint Oil (at low dilution) in a body mist or even in the diffuser can help to cool you down. Properties: Analgesic, anesthetic, anti septic, anti galactogogue, anti phlogistic, anti spasmodic, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, cordial, decongestant, emenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, hepatic, nervine, stimulant, stomachic, sudorific, vasoconstrictor and vermifuge   Pain relief Induce numbness, Protects from septic Reduces milk flow, Reduces discharges, Relaxes spasm Strengthens gums, Stops hair fall, Lifts skin It contains beta-carotene which may play a protective role against prostate cancer Induce firmness in muscles Stops haemorrhage, Removes gas, Good for brain & memory Promotes bile discharge, Warming, Clears congestion & eases breathing Opens obstructed menstruations, expells phlegm & catarrh, reduces fever, good for liver, good for nerves, stimulates, good for stomach, promotes perspiration, contracts blood vessels, kills worms

    Color : Clear with a Yellow Tinge

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  • Peach peices

    Peach peices

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    The peach is a semi-hardy deciduous woody perennial tree. A standard-sized peach tree will grow to 25 feet tall and just as wide if not pruned. A dwarf peach will grow to 6 feet tall and wide. For the best productivity, keep standard peaches pruned to about 15 feet tall. Most available peach varieties are grafted, meaning the root system and the fruiting section of the tree is different. Peaches usually come to harvest from mid- to late summer. Peach fruit requires 3 to 5 months to reach harvest from the time flowers are pollinated. Peach trees have fruit producing lives of about 12 years.   Peaches are high in a number of nutrients your body needs such as niacin, thiamine, potassium and calcium. They are also high in beta carotene, an antioxidant that converts to Vitamin A, which is essential for healthy hearts and eyes. Many people claim peaches are good for relief of stomach ulcers and other digestive issues like colitis and kidney disease. Contribute in eye health Does excellent for skin Toxin cleanser Weight control Rich source of antioxidant and fiber Works against Cancer and heart disease

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  • Patchouli Oil

    Patchouli Oil

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    Patchouli is a very fragrant herb with soft oval leaves and square stems. It grows from 2 to 3 feet in height and provides an unusual odor that is nonetheless characteristic of patchouli when the leaves are rubbed. Patchouli thrives in tropical regions and can be found in Hawaii, regions of Asia and other tropical areas of the world. Patchouli is not native to where I reside in Michigan, but I have enjoyed growing it during the summer months for the past few years. Properties: Anti depressant, anti phlogistic, anti septic, aphrodisiac, astringent, cicatrisant, cytophylactic, deodorant, diuretic, febrifuge, fungicide, insecticide, sedative, tonic   Fights depression & uplifts mood Soothes inflammation resulting from high fever Increases libido and cures sexual disorders Tightens gums Muscles and stops haemorrhage Heals scars and after marks Promotes cell growth, drives away body odour Increases urination and removes toxins Sedates emotional and nervous disturbances

    Color : Deep Golden Brown

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  • Papaya Powder

    Papaya Powder

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    Papaya is a small, unbranched tree, with a single stem growing to 5-10 m tall, with the spirally arranged leaves. The lower trunk is conspicuously scarred with the leaf. The leaves are large, 50-70 cm diameter and deeply palmate lobed, with seven lobes. The fruit of the plant is cultivated by tropical people, as a breakfast fruit. The plant is native to the tropics of the Americas. In Mexico, it was cultivated many centuries before the emergence of the Mesoamerican classic cultures.   Papaya contains many biologically active compounds. Two important compounds are chymopapain and papain, which are supposed to aid in digestion. The level of the compounds varies in the fruit, latex, leaves and roots. It has been used for treating digestive problems and intestinal worms. The softening qualities of papain have been taken advantage of, in the treatment of warts, corns, sinuses, and chronic forms of scaly eczema, cutaneous tubercles, and other hardness of the skin, produced by irritation. Papain also is used to treat arthritis. The sinapisms prepared from the root of the plant are believed to be beneficial in treating the tumors of uterus. In the Asian countries, the latex of the plant is smeared at the mouth of the uterus, while the root infusion is used for syphilis in Africa. The latex is also used in curing psoriasis and ringworm in Cuba. It is also used as a local antiseptic in many parts of the world. The leaves of papaya tree are used for treating nervous pains and elephantoid growths. The infusion of its roots is said to reduce urine concretions. Dietary papaya reduces urine acidity in humans. The flowers from the plant are used in treating jaundice. Papaya latex, also used as dyspepsia cure, is applied to burns and scalds externally.  

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  • palak powder

    palak powder

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    Spinach is relatively rich in nitrogenous substances, in hydrocarbons, and in iron sesqui-oxide, which last amounts to 3.3 per cent of the total ash. It is thus more nourishing than other green vegetables. It is a valuable part of the diet in anaemia, not only on account of its iron, but also for its chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is known to have a chemical formula remarkably similar to that of haemoglobin, and it is stated that the ingestion of chlorophyll will raise the haemoglobin of the blood without increasing the formed elements. The plant contains from 10 to 20 parts per 1,000 by weight of chlorophyll. During the war, wine fortified with Spinach juice 1 in 50) was given to French soldiers weakened by haemorrhage.

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  • Oregano Oil

    Oregano Oil

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    Oregano is a perennial herb with creeping roots, 30-90 cm high, branched woody stems and opposite, petiolate and hairy leaves (1.5 cm long). The flowers are pale purple and the flowering period extends from late June to August. Each flower produces four small structures. The foliage is dotted with small glands containing the volatile oil, which gives the plant aroma and colour. Properties: Anti viral, anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti parasitic, anti oxidant, anti inflammatory, digestive, emenagogue, anti allergenic   Inhibits viral Bacterial Fungal and parasitic infections Heals damages done by oxidation Soothes inflammations Promotes digestion Opens up obstructed menstruations Helps cure allergy

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  • THU : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • FRI : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
  • SAT : 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM
About Us
Fiducia is one of the largest Manufacturer And Supplier Of Herbal Extracts, Potato Powder And Essential Oils We provide Refine Quality Products with 100% Satisfaction.
We make sure that our clients get complete customer satisfaction at all levels. We aim to be one of the largest firms not just in india but in the world as well. Our quality has been build our identity.
Our aim to develop novel biotechnology by leveraging our exceptional scientific talent pool and developmental capabilities. Fiducia Essential Oil & Biotech Industries discovery-led R&D focuses on the entire Ayurveda , Aroma and Food pathway – from process development Our R&D team can boast of outstanding scientists from the best institutes around the world.
We use methods of ANALITICAL CHEMISTRY this is the study of the separation, identification, and quantification of the chemical components of natural and artificial materials. Qualitative analysis gives an indication of the identity of the chemical species in the sample and quantitative analysis determines the amount of one or more of these components. The separation of components is often performed prior to analysis. Analytical methods can be separated into classical and instrumental. Classical methods (also known as wet chemistry methods) use separations such as precipitation, extraction, and distillation and qualitative analysis by color, odor, or melting point. Quantitative analysis is achieved by measurement of weight or volume. Instrumental methods use an apparatus to measure physical quantities of the analyte such as light absorption, fluorescence, or conductivity. The separation of materials is accomplished using chromatography or electrophoresis methods. Analytical chemistry is also focused on improvements in experimental design, chemo metrics, and the creation of new measurement tools to provide better chemical information. Analytical chemistry has applications in forensics, bioanalysis, clinical analysis, environmental analysis, and materials analysis.
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Contact Information


  • Gaurav Paliwal
  • Vill & Post Kusmara District Mainpuri Mainpuri(U.P) INDIA, Uttar Pradesh