Neem Leaf
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Neem is very common tree in India. It is a large evergreen dense tree growing some 10 to 10.5 meter tall with a girth of about 2-3 meter. The leaves of this tree are divided into numerous leaflets, each resembling a full-grown leaf. The Neem tree has played in Ayurvedic medicines and agriculture since time immemorial. It is indigenous to south Asia, where up to twenty million trees line the roads. The tree occurs naturally in the Deccan peninsula, but it is cultivated allover India. Dental disease like gingivitis, gum disease, tooth decay etc. Respiratory diseases like bronchitis and cough. Heart diseases, stroke, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol and prevents blood clots. Leucorrhoea & amenorrhoea. Arthritic & rhuematic pains, inflammations & swellings. Skin related infections like acne, eczema, psoriasis, scabies, herpes, athlete's foot etc. Fevers of multiple origins including malaria. Diabetes, tumors, cancer etc. Boosting immunity.
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