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Watermelon Powder
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Watermelon is the favourite summer fruit in the hot and dry regions of India. It is common sight to see vendors with huge fruits piled under a tree. Watermelon is an annual herbacious vine with long (up to 10 m) stems lying or creeping on the ground, with curly tendrils. Leaves are 5-20 by 3-19 cm, and hairy, usually deeply palmately lobed with 3-5 lobes. Leaf stalks are 2-19 cm long. Male flowers on 1.2-4.5 cm long pedicels. Flowers 1-2.5 cm long, pale green. Flowers monoecious, solitary, on pedicels up to 4.5 cm long; with 5 shortly united petals, pale green. Fruit of wild plants 1.5-20 cm in diameter, nearly spherical, greenish, mottled with darker green; of cultivated plants up to 30x60 cm, spherical or ellipsoid, green or yellowish, evenly coloured or variously mottled or striped. Fruits vary considerably in morphology. The cultivated forms of the fruit are large oblong. Asthma prevention Blood pressure watermelon can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. Watermelon, because of its water and fiber content, helps to prevent constipation and promote regularity for a healthy digestive tract. watermelon is a great snack to have on hand during the hot summer months to prevent dehydration. Watermelon and watermelon juice have been shown to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery time following exercise in athletes. Watermelon is also great for your skin because it contains vitamin A, a nutrient required for sebum production that keeps hair moisturized. Vitamin A is also necessary for the growth of all bodily tissues, including skin and hair.
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