Voltage Tester
Voltage Test System is a sophisticated design used to generate impulse voltages from 1400 KV to 6000 KV simulating lightning impulses and switching surges with energies up to 900 KJ and considers all requirements of industry, research & development centers, educational institutes and third party test labs.
The measurement of the losses in power transformers is an indispensable quality-verification process. Due to the fact that normally the transformer user puts a penalty on the losses that occur in the load and no-load modes, the greatest possible accuracy in measuring the power losses is of primary economic importance. The TLM system was specially developed for highly accurate measurements of power losses in transformers. Using “State of the Art” proven current comparator technology, the TLM Series of transformer loss measurement systems is designed to meet the needs of today’s transformer manufacturer by providing the most accurate power loss measurement system in the world. Designed for power frequency testing and calibration, the TLM system can be used for testing small, medium and large power transformers and motors upto 400 Hz. The system is also ideal for R&D facilities. The TLM system can also be used to measure losses in single and three phase reactors. The TLM offers an exceptional operating convenience. The measuring procedures are software supported. Time can be saved because the precision high voltage transformer requires no manual range selection. The risk of using wrong voltage or current range is thus eliminated. Features: Load loss measurement to reveal indications about stray losses and winding resistance. No-load loss measurement to determine transformer excitation. Heat run to verify temperature rises of oil and windings. Induced voltage test to check the voltage withstand capability of the insulations. Zero sequence measurement to identify phase sequence impedance. Wattmeter function to perform quick and easy measurements without any calculations. PC Based Controller PC/Laptop controls the full system and runs understandable Windows user interface software. TLM software has been especially designed for intuitive, fast, easy and safe user interrogations. Status information and test results are visualized by graphical symbols, values, pop-up windows and detailed graphs. Technical Specification: Voltage Measurement Range Accuracy 100 V, 200 V, 500 V, 0.20 % 1 kV, 2 kV, 5 kV, 10 kV, 20 kV, 50 kV, 100 kV, 200 kV 0.15 % Current Measurement Range Accuracy 1 A, 2 A, 5 A, 10 A, 20 A, 50 A, 100 A, 200 A, 0.15 % 500 A, 1000 A, 2000 A, 4000 A 0.15 % Power Measurement Power Factor Range Accuracy cos ϕ = 1.000 ≥ 100V, ≥ 5 A 0.07% cos ϕ = 0.100 ≥ 100V, ≥ 5 A 0.10% cos ϕ = 0.050 ≥ 100V, ≥ 5 A 0.15% cos ϕ = 0.020 ≥ 100V, ≥ 5 A 0.50% cos ϕ = 0.010 ≥ 100V, ≥ 5 A 0.70% cos ϕ = 0.008 ≥ 100V, ≥ 5 A 0.80%
...moreTank Type Series Resonant Test Set
These are manufactured in the range of 50 kV to 400kV, 250 kVA to 16,000 kVA. Tank type systems are generally used when the output voltage is less than 250kV and also when multiple taps are required to meet the different load requirements at different voltages. The advantage of tank type system for PD Testing is that the reactor can be built with feed through bushing. This allows the reactor and its associated accessories to be placed outside the shielded room with only bushing going inside it. This reduces the size of RF shielded room and in turn its cost. Features: Very low (real) input power is required for large output (reactive) power. The output voltage is naturally filtered. In the event of a fault in test object, the system detunes and the power follow from the mains is eliminated thus limiting damage to the fault site to a minimum. The system is operated in a controlled resonant condition so accidental resonant cannot occur. Lower test equipment cost for system rated 250 KVA and above. Reduced costs because of the substantially reduced input KVA required. Lower installation cost for the power service because the load is at unity power factor. Operating costs are reduced because input KVA requirement is low and mains unbalance is minimized.
...moreStatic Frequency Converter
SFC is especially designed for testing HV-devices, like MV-cables, bushings, all type of transformers and more; can replace motor-generator set. Therefore higher power is available and precise and short measurement periods are possible. A high efficient control reduces significant the normal high frequency distortions produced by fast switching semiconductors. Also available as mobile measurement system. SFC allows high power quality, precise measurement and short testing time. The traditional method with Motor Generator Sets to test HV-devices means a lot of maintenance and installation work for the customer. Where once several MG-Sets were used, only one SFC is necessary for all IEC-standard tests. Today testing requires more and more power what increases the cost of MG-Sets. The occurring high frequency distortion of fast switching semiconductors can be avoided by using special filter technologies. Features: Frequency selectable measurements (independly from each other) Power range from 20 kVA up to 10 MVA High frequency noise reduction using special filter- and PWM-technology Harmonic current injection to test special transformers which are loaded with harmonics Tests according IEC/ANSI for dry and oil transformers from 250 kVA up to 400 MVA AC source for applied HV-tests Special filtering and modulation Remote diagnostics via Internet possible with LAN-interface on PC / Laptop All safety functions and supervisions of hardware are integrated
...moreSeries Impulse Voltage Test System
W Seriesimpulse generators can be used to generate impulse voltages simulating lightning strokes and switching surges. The stage voltage is 100 kV / stage and the stage energy is 5 kJ. or 10 kJ. Max. Charging voltage is 1400kV. Features: Low internal inductance. Easy and quick reconfiguration to suit different testing needs. User friendly operation through computer and microprocessor controlled hardware. Equipped with resisters for performing lightening full, lightening chopped and switching impulse tests on wide range of loads. Automatic grounding device and security grounding system Alarm annunciation to display all fault condition. Filtered clean air constantly supplied through the sphere gaps while the system is running Reliable and fail safe triggering circuitry
...moreReference Impulse Calibrator
IC-500 Impulse Calibrator monitors and calibrates impulse measuring systems by generating all key impulse waveforms according to IEC 61083-1 & IEC60-2. Entire range of measuring system can be calibrated with the wide output voltage range.
...moreRecurrent Impulse Generator for Voltage Test System
RIG-500 Recurrent Impulse Generator is a low voltage equivalent of a high voltage impulse generator. Its wide range of applications includes the testing of models, the study of voltage distribution in high voltage windings during impulse voltage stresses and the predetermination of the circuit parameters of impulse test plants. Tests can be performed quickly and reliably without endangering personnel. All impulse circuit elements and, therefore, all impulse forms may be varied within broad limits.
...moreRecurrent Impulse Generator
RIC-500 Recurrent Impulse Generator is a low voltage equivalent of High Voltage Impulse Generator. Its wide range of applications includes the testing of models, the study of voltage distribution in high voltage windings during impulse voltage stresses and predetermination of the circuit parameters of impulse test plants. Tests can be performed quickly and reliably without endangering personnel. All impulse circuit elements and therefore, all impulse forms may be varied within broad limits. Voltage impulse may be observed and evaluated on any oscilloscope as a standing image. The unit is especially suitable for: Investigating the impulse voltage distribution in winding models of machines, transformers, reactors and instrument transformers. Predetermining impulse circuit data, for instance the value of the front resistance of an impulse generator, which can be performed by connecting the actual test object. Non-destructive testing of windings in dry state and under various impulse voltage conditions. Insulation fault localization in windings. Investigating transfer characteristics of measuring system. Transient wave measurement in cables and models. Training and experimentation in laboratories of technical colleges and electro-technical institutes. All impulse circuit components are adjustable. The impulse shape can thus be fine-tuned within a wide range. Additional capacitors and resistors can be connected externally to permit operation with larger impulse capacitances and other resistance values. The peak value of the impulse voltage is established and continuously adjustable. The voltage impulse may be chopped internally within broad limits.
...morePrimary Injection Kit
High Current Test Set is high current, lightweight, modular test sets with state of the art control circuitry and instrumentation. They provide up to 5000 Amps output with maximum burden of 15 V. These test sets can do primary injection testing of high voltage substation breakers and associated protective relays, as well as ratioing of current transformers. I Series feature Laptop controlled that measure in seconds or cycle, auxiliary contact control, and status indicators for input power, thermal overload and ground interlock.
...morePC Based Control System
Features: Manual variation of the output high voltage with variable speed control. Automatic raise of the output voltage to a pre-defined value with pre-defined speed. Timers with START/ RESET switch for automatic switching off high voltage at pre- selected time period. Over voltage and over current protection with alarm indicator. Multiple test sequence can be programmed (Optional feature). Test voltage vs. time can be displayed in the form of a diagram. (Optional feature). Display of all alarms and warnings. Report Generation Software.
...moreOnline Transformer Moisture Absorption System
Generator, transmission and distribution transformers are some of the most critical and expensive assets in a power network. Moisture is a necessity in cellulose materials, but too much is absolutely detrimental to the service life of power transformers. Moisture, more specifically excessive moisture, has been enemy number one in power transformers utilizing cellulose insulation with insulating oil for a long time. KVTEK developed a system (MAS10) that would remove moisture continuously in a gentle manner. A unique molecular sieve technique is applied to continuously remove moisture and particles from the transformer oil. MAS10 system has the capacity to remove approx. 10 liters of water from a transformer before saturation, but the rate at which it will absorb water will depend on many factors, mainly, how much water is available in the oil, and the temperature range through which the transformer will operate. The design flow rate of the pumped oil is nominally 90 litres per hour to give maximum absorption through the molecular sieves. Model No. of Cylinder Suggested Transformer Size Water Removal Capacity MAS3 1 Less than 10 MVA 3 Litres MAS10 3 10 MVA and Above 10 Litres MAS30 3 50 MVA and Above 30 Litres Features: An economical and low maintenance system. Easy to install energized transformer. Uses rechargeable cylinders. Continuous on-line removal of moisture removal from paper insulation as well. On-line monitoring of temperature and moisture in oil. Fully complies with IEEE standards C57-140-200, 7.2, Guide for the evaluation and reconditioning of liquid immersed power transformers. MAS10 : Basic cost effective model displays only inlet and outlet ppm levels. MAS10-H2M : Fully loaded with hydrogen monitoring system and displays total moisture absorbed, flow rate and temperature besides inlet & outlet ppm levels.
...moreMultiple Chopping Gaps for Voltage Test System
MCG series multiple chopping gap is used to chop lightning impulses on the front and/or on the tail. It also serves simultaneously as a load capacitor for the impulse generator and allows excellent reproducibility of the chopping time and does not distort the wave shape until the chopping point. The sphere distance is automatically adjusted and operated by the WV 23 Impulse controls.
...moreMulti Channel Digital Partial Discharge Detection System
Partial Discharge testing is a sensitive mean of assessing the quality or condition of insulation contained within the high voltage equipment. It can be caused by poor design, poor processing techniques, polluted environment on shop floor, manufacturing faults, mechanical damage or aging. D216 based on straight discharge detection principle is a versatile high performance digital detector designed to make highly sensitive measurements on all types of high voltage insulation systems. The ability to measure lowest possible levels of partial discharge is termed as sensitivity of the PD Detector. Different products have different inherent acceptable levels of partial discharge ranging from 2pC to over 1000pC. Multiple, independent channels mean inherent redundancy in case of a failure of a plug-in channel. The channels can be used in multiple configurations together. IEC and IEEE/ANSI compatible PD Testing: The system hardware can be set to make measurements as per the frequency filter settings laid out in the latest versions of either the IEC or the IEEE/ANSI standards. Pattern Acquisition and Display: The system allows true parallel acquisition of the partial discharge activity on all the multiple channels with simultaneously display. D216 has built-in calibrator that allows calibration to be performed automatically. It injects a known PD signal from 1 pC to 1000pC into a PD test circuit to allow verification of calibration. Software of D216 allows to generate the report by adding the company logo, customer and test object details. All measuring results, PD patterns, graphs and test object data can be saved on th hard disk or printed directly. Applications: Power Transformers Distribution Transformers Features: Real time measurement and display of all phases under test simultaneously. Meets IEC 270 specifications 25 Switchable Bandwidths Built-in Calibration up to 1000pC Direct reading of Discharge Magnitude in PC Independently Switchable and Pulse Rotation Ellipse/ Sine Wave/ Sine Loop/ Straight Line Display Ellipse/Sine Wave/Sine Loop/Straight Line display Optional External Calibrator Software for measurement of IEC quantities also available as an option.
...moreModular AC Series Resonance Test Set
These modular systems are built for voltages generally ranging between 200 kV to 1600kV, power ranging between 250 kVA to 64,000 kVA. Higher voltages are achieved by having multiple modules stacked in series on top of one another. It is not possible to have multiple taps on the modular system but different tuning ranges are achieved by connecting the modules in series or parallel. Features: Very low (real) input power is required for large output (reactive) power. The output voltage is naturally filtered. In the event of a fault in test object, the system detunes and the power follow from the mains is eliminated thus limiting damage to the fault site to a minimum. The system is operated in a controlled resonant condition so accidental resonant cannot occur. Lower test equipment cost for system rated 250 KVA and above. Reduced costs because of the substantially reduced input KVA required. Lower installation cost for the power service because the load is at unity power factor. Operating costs are reduced because input KVA requirement is low and mains unbalance is minimized.
...moreMobile Testing Lab
Mobile test laboratory is to measure ratio and phase angle errors of installed instrument transformers comprising of; current transformers, potential transformers and capacitive voltage transformers. This measurement when combined with the accuracy measurement of energy meters can help in determining the actual energy transmitted. It is important to make the accuracy measurement of the complete measuring arm for determining the quantum of actual energy transmitted. It has been observed that nearly 15% of the installed instrument transformers do not meet the specified accuracy levels thus energy metering in itself is defaulted causing huge revenue loss for the concerned utilities.
...moreImpulse Dividers for Voltage Test System
IDE series are externally damped impulse voltage capacitive dividers and can be used to measure full and tail chopped lightning impulses as well as switching impulses at voltage levels up to 1MV. This voltage divider serves simultaneously as a load capacitor for the impulse generator. With suitable secondary arm it can also be used for AC voltage measurements. IDI series are internally damped capacitive impulse voltage dividers and can be used to measure full and tail chopped lightning impulses as well as switching impulses up to the highest voltage levels. This voltage divider serves simultaneously as a load capacitor for the impulse generator. With suitable secondary arm it can also be used for AC voltage measurements.
...moreVoltage Test System Impulse Current Shunts
These shunts are used for the measurement of impulse currents in high-voltage test labs. The measured wave shape of the current can be displayed on a KVTEK's impulse analyzing system IM212 / IM412.
...moreImpulse Calibrator for Voltage Test System
IC-500 Impulse calibrator monitor and calibrate impulse measuring systems by generating all key impulse waveform according to IEC 1083-1 & IEC60-2.All range of measuring system cab be calibrate with the wide output voltage range.
...moreHV DC Charging Supply for Voltage Test System
DH100 series HVDC Charging supplies rated for 100 kV output with different output currents for different configurations are available. This typically includes 50 kV HV AC Transformer along with voltage doubler and rectification circuit to charge the impulse capacitors through charging resistors.
...moreHigh Voltage Standard Capacitor
The SF6 Gas insulated Standard Capacitors comes with very low inherent Tan Delta in the order of 1x10-5 is used as Capacitance standard in measuring bridge circuits to measure the dielectric Tan Delta of all types including Cables, Capacitors, Bushings, Instrument and Power Transformers. The SC series Standard Capacitors can also be used as the high voltage section of a Capacitive Divider. This allows high accurate voltage measurements e.g. Such as those required for loss measurement on Power Transformer.
...moreHigh Voltage Filter
High Voltage Filters are used in many of the PD test systems. They allow for a PD free constant connection in the high voltage circuit and can be used as the interface between the circuit under test and the PD detectors. Conducted interfering signals caused by the power supply are often damped only insufficiently by using a single-stage filter. The damping of these interfering signals can be improved if single-stage filters are enlarged by an additional stage to two-stage filters.
...moreHigh Voltage Equipment
We are leading manufacturers and suppliers of Programmable ACDC High Voltage Breakdown Tester.Delivery Time: As Per Buyers Requirement.
...moreDigital Partial Discharge Detection System
D22 has built-in Calibration that allows calibration to be performed automatically. It injects a known PD signal from 1 pC to 1000pC into a PD test circuit to allow verification of calibration. Software of D22 allows to generate the report by adding the company logo, customer and test object details. All measurement results, PD pattern, graphs and test object data can be saved on the hard disk or printed directly. Partial Discharge testing is a sensitive mean of assessing the quality or condition of insulation contained within the high voltage equipment. It can be caused by poor design, manufacturing faults, mechanical damage or aging. D22 based on straight discharge detection principle, is versatile high performance digital detector designed to make highly sensitive measurements on all types of high voltage insulation systems. The ability to measure low levels of partial discharge is referred to as sensitivity. Different products have different inherent acceptable levels of partial discharge ranging from 2pC to over 1000pC. D22 has built-in Calibration that allows calibration to be performed automatically. It injects a known PD signal from 1 pC to 1000pC into a PD test circuit to allow verification of calibration. Software of D22 allows to generate the report by adding the company logo, customer and test object details. All measurement results, PD pattern, graphs and test object data can be saved on the hard disk or printed directly. Applications: Instrument Transformers Distribution Transformers Power Transformers Power Cables Switchgears Generators/ Motors Bushings HV Components Features: Meets IEC 60270 specifications. 25 switchable Bandwidth. Built-in Calibration up to 1000pC. Direct reading Discharge Magnitude Meter. Independently Switchable & Adjustable Gates. Independently Ellipse and Pulse Rotation. Ellipse/ Sine Waves/ Sine Loop/ Straight Line Display. Optional External Calibrator. Software for measurements of IEC quantities also available as an option.
...moreDigital Impulse Control Controller
WV series Computerized control system is specifically designed for the needs of HV impulse testing. The system is running a Windows based operating software package. Safety systems are properly implemented into the system as independent external emergency switches, software alarms, closed loop feedbacks and status information for fast understanding. Control system can be used in fully automatic mode, semi automatic mode and also manual mode
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