Overview to the Development of a Business Plan. A business plan is more than a means to an end. Most likely the reason you are reading this is that you need a business plan to obtain capital for your business and that you are either pursuing equity participation or are applying for a loan. If this is the case, then a business plan will be both essential and critical for your endeavor. If financial support is the only reason you are preparing a business plan, then you are making a grave mistake. Most business start-ups fail within three years. They fail for two reasons. The first is that the business has insufficient capital to operate until cash flow can pay expenses and generate an operating profit. The second is due to poor management. A business plan is the first line of defense to make sure that your business does not succumb due to these two reasons. A good business plan is a road map, showing where your business is going, how it proposes to get there, and the resources needed for the journey. As such it can also alert you if the business begins to run off-course, allowing you ample time to take appropriate action. Finally, you also need to understand how your business will be evaluated and judged as a business especially when you need services or access to capital. The purpose of this handbook is to act as a self-directing guide to enable you to properly and correctly develop your own business plan. The SBCN hopes that this guide will be of assistance to you in completing your plan and securing the capital for your business.