Valley Verti Micro Bio Pesticide
Verticillum is a fungi, which parasites on perts. Such fungi are also called opportunistic fungi. Biological control is a device to manipulate biosphere against pests for achieving maximum benefits. This can be done by changing the environment, by addition of organic amendments or by introducing other organisms. In general there are a few natural components which are present at level to be sufficient for suppression of perts development, while some other type of agents have been applied by man for the purpose. There are numerous micro-organisms that prey or parasitize on perts : Trapping fungi Endoparasitic fungi Egg parasitic fungi Veticillum parasitises on eggs & cysts of nematodes. Effects of Product : Many nematode-antagonistic fungi produce secondary metabolites and enzymes that demonstrate toxicity against plant-parasitic nematodes. The effects of fungal culture filtrates of Verticillium lecanii hybrid strains on mature eggs, embryonated eggs (eggs fertilized but without development of juveniles), and second-stage juveniles (J2) of Heterodera glycines and to compare these effects with those of their parental strains. The fungal culture filtrates of certain hybrid strains inhibited egg hatch of mature eggs. Furthermore, the fungal culture filtrates of two hybrid strains, AaF23 and AaF42, exhibited high toxicity against embryonated eggs of H. glycines. However, most of the fungal culture filtrates of V. lecanii did not inactivate J2. The enzymes or other active compounds produced by the fungal culture filtrates of V. lecanii exhibit activity against specific stages in the H. glycines life cycle. In addition, based on a visual assessment of the morphological changes in eggs caused by filtrates of each strain, there were differences between the hybrid strains and their respective parental strains with regard to the active substances produced by V. lecanii against the embryonated eggs
...moreValley-Tricho Micro Bio Pesticide
VatiyAricho Description : Trichoderma viride is the most widely used bio-fungicide. The use of trichoderma for controlling a vari-ety of plant disease has been com-mon for many years. The fungi are particularly effective as they do not have to be ingested by a pest but they can infest pest through physical con-tact. They are specially useful against root affecting fungus likefina-rium,sderotium, phytophthora infestence, ganoderma lucidona and many wilts where the conventional pesticides are not able to reach and control the root fungus. Trichoderma is also ideal for seeds treatment. Mode of Action : It is known to release metabolites during growth in order to destroy or decrease competing microbes. The filament or hyphae of trichoderma covers or penetrates directly to the hy-phae of harmful pathogenic fungus, caus-ing disease in them. They also makes a thin layer of protec-tion all around the seed by secretion of various toxic substances , and hence pro-tect them from pathogenic fungus. Ger-mination is also enhanced by the treat-ment o trichoderma. Some of the horticultural crops in which trichoderma has shown positive effects include tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, carnation, petunia, some of the plantation crops like coffee, tea, cardamom, etc. it is also very effective in post harvest envi-ronment and suitable for green house cultivation. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating - 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops - for a single mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 100 ml. of solution with 1 hr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effects of Product : It control root rot, set rot, damping off, wilts of fusarium, ganoderma etc. In vegetable fruit crops , gram, tea, coffee, pepper, cereals, pulses, coconut, areca nut etc. Increase in % of germination Vigorous root growth Early plant stand It increase the crop yield by 10%-30%
...moreSuper Powerzyme Plant Growth Promoter
Plant Growth, Development, flowering, fruiting, maturation are governed by nutritional factors and also in small by certain chemical messengers known as hormones. Hormones are organic substances other than nutrients and are produced by plants in small quantities which in minute concentration increases, decreases or modify plant growth and development. Place of production of hormone is different from the place of action within the plant body.Details : Normally plants produce 5 types of Hormones namely Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins, Abscisic Acid and Ethylene. Along with these, chemists have synthesized large number of compounds which are similar to naturally occurring hormones and bring about similar physiological changes when applied on to plants. These synthetic hormones along with naturally occurring hormones of the plant are collectively called as plant Growth regulators or plant Growth Hormones. Plant are capable of producing only one type of Auxin namely indole Acetic Acid (IAA). A number of synthetic compounds show similar characteristics that of naturally occurring hormones within the plants and they are Napthalene Acetic Acid (NAA), Indole Butyric Acid (IBA), 2.4 – Dichloro phenoxy Acetic Acid and Parachloro Acetic Acid. Effects of Product : It is a plant Growth Regulator. Includes flowers and increases the more number of flowers. Private "TYPE=PICT;ALT=" Prevents premature shedding of the flowers & the fruits. Enhances fruits size and keeping quality of the fruits Enhances the yield and quality of the fruits. Keeps the leaves greener & healthier for long time
...moreSulphur+ Micro Bio Fertilizer
Sulphur in agricultural soil occurs in inorganic and organic forms, with organic sulphur accounting for 95% of the total sulphur. Analysis of a wide range o soils shows that from 25%-75% of the organic sulphur in soil is hi reducible, from 7%-30% is c-bonded, and from 11%-22% is unidentified sulphur. Nitrogen is associated with sulphur in soil or-ganic matter in a ratio of about 8:1, although the extreme ratio may vary from 5:1 to 13:1. laboratory studies showed that humus sulphur is de-pleted faster than humus nitrogen. Mineralization of sulphur in crop.Details : Residues varied with type of crop resi-dues and soil studied. The usual range of values in concentration and spatial rates of N,P & S in precipitation is well within the range if these elements in natural waters. Atmospheric sources are impor-tant component in meet crop sulphur requirement and should be considered in benefit cost analysis relating to sulphur emission. Sulphur is regarded as a secondary nutri-ent even though plant requirement for sulphur are equal to and sometimes ex-ceeds for phosphorus. Mode of Action : Sulphur is recognized as one of the major nutrients essential for plant growth, root nodule, formation of legumes, and plants protection mechanisms. The solubilization effects are generally due to the production of organic acids by these organisms . They are also known to produce amino acids vitamins and growth promoting substances . It is also proved , if sulphur+ is used , 50% of chemical sulphur can be saved Seed and soil inoculation with sulphur+ is known to increase the uptake of sulphur by plants. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating - 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops : for a single mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 100 ml. of solution with 1 hr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc.
...morePrahar Micro Bio Pesticide
Prahar Description IT is a common entomopathogen fungus that can be used to control a variety of insect pests (particularly soil dwelling and pasture pests) in s. America metarhizium anisopliae, is used against the leaf minor and leaf hoppers in sugarcane fields. In south east Asia the fungus has been used to control the coconut and oil palm rhinoceros beetle, oryctes rhinoceros and other coconut pest brotispa longis-sima. It has also been investigated for the control of the termite. Nasutiterense exitous, the sugarcane Antitragus parvulus and the decan weevil curculio caryae. Aphid species, moth and fly larvae. Pest like beetle leafhopper, bug scales, white grubs, white ants. Mode of Action : It produces a number of secondary me-tabolites acting as mycotoxined (insecticidal toxins) , including dextrux-intE which is considered as new genera-tion insecticide against many aphid spe-cies , moth and fly larvae. These toxins are known to insecticides against many and rapid development of the mycotoxins causes death. The toxins kills the host inciting progres-sive degeneration of the host tissues due to the loss of the structural integrity of the membranes and then dehydration of the cells fluid loss. The filament or hyphae of it covers or penetrates directly to the hyphae of harm-ful pathogenic pests, causing disease in them. They also makes a thin layer of protec-tion all around the seed by secretion of various toxic substances , and hence pro-tect them from pathogenic pests. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating - 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops - for a single mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 100 ml. of solution with 1 hr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effects of Product : It is effective against the Antitragus parvulus the decan weevil curculio caryae. theAphid species, moth and fly larvae. Pest like beetle leafhopper, bug scales, white grubs, white ants. coconut and oil palm rhinoc-eros beetle, oryctes rhinoceros and other coconut pest broti-spa longisssima.
...morePotash+ Micro Bio Fertilizer
Large scale use of chemical fertilizers causes the problem of pollution and deterioration of the soil structure. This source of potash is a major breakthrough for those who cultivate crops organically. Thus the cultiva-tion movements in the country is now made easy because of bio-sources of potash. Potash+ tested on paddy recorded 25% increase yield over control. Potash+ increases the yield and girth of the stem. Because of increase pho-tosynthesis , plants remain green after flowering and plantation.Mode of Action : Several soil bacteria , particularly those belonging to the genera pseudomonas and bacillus and fungi belonging top the gen-era penicilliurn . The solubilization effects are generally due to the production of organic acids by these organisms . They are also known to produce amino acids vitamins and growth promoting substances. It is also proved , if Potash+ is used , 50% of chemical potash can be saved Seed and soil inoculation with Potash+ is known to increase the uptake of potash by plants. Potash+ inoculated soil increases the maximum level of potash in the magni-tude of 50-60 kg. per hectare in case of low to medium potassium soil and 10-30 kg. per hectare in high potassium rich in soil. Increase growth and yield of oats , coffee, tea , banana , mustard, maize, rice, sor-ghum, barley, chickpea, soybeans, groundnut, sugar beet, cabbage, to-mato, to the extent of 10% -20%. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating - 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops - for a single mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 100 ml. of solution with 1 hr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effects of Products : It promotes photosynthesis and transpiration and assimilates in the storage organ. It includes resistance to pests disease in the plant body. Improves the tolerance of plants to various stresses like drought. Increases the sugar content of crops( fruits etc.) Increases the size and weight of fruits. Increase in % of germination Vigorous root growth Early plant stand It increase the crop yield by 10%-30% . It can solubilize 30-50 kg. of potash per hectare.
...morePhosphate+ Micro Bio Fertilizer
Phosphorus differs fundamentally differs from nitrogen in that no natu-ral channel exists for the return of large annual net losses. Hence the supply inevitably shrinking are lim-ited . In this contest, the release of insoluble phosphate in soil and fixed phosphorus in the day minerals by microorganisms assumes signifi-cance. Details : Large scale use of chemical fertilizers causes the problem of pollution and deterioration of the soil structure. Again there are problem of losses of ap-plied fertilization and fixation of phospho-rus. Several insoluble inorganic phospha-teand make it available to plants. Mode of Action : Several soil bacteria , particularly those belonging to the genera pseudomonas and bacillus and fungi belonging top the gen-era penicilliurn . The solubilization effects are generally due to the production of organic acids by these organisms . They are also known to produce amino acids vitamins and growth promoting substances . It is also proved , if PSB is used , 50% of phosphorus can be saved Seed and soil inoculation with PSB is known to increase the uptake of phospho-rus by plants. Increase growth and yield of oats , coffee, tea , banana , mustard, maize, rice, sor-ghum, barley, chickpea, soybeans, groundnut , sugar beet, cabbage, to-mato, to the extent of 10%-20%. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops - for a single mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 100 ml. of solution with 1 hr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effects of Product : Increase in % of germination Vigorous root growth Early plant stand Immunity against soil born in-fection. Protects roots from fungal infes-tation because of its property to secret antifungal metabolites. It increase the crop yield by 10%-30% . It can solubilize 30-50 kg. of phosphorus per hectare.
...morePGP+ Plant Growth Promoter
Description PGP+ The technique of plant diseases man-agement must not only be effective but also affordable socially accept-able and economically sustainable. The concept of sustainable agricul-ture envisages primary emphasis on manipulation and management o biological systems not only to maxi-mize yield but also to stabilize the agro system and to minimize indus-trial input demand. PGP+ is a bacte-rium that is used as pesticide for controlling many kind of fungus vi-rus and bacterial diseases. It can also control nematode in soil. Residues of bacteria are not expected to remain on treated food or . Use of pgp+ as biopesticide is not expected to ad-versely affect people or the environment . Mode of Action : Many strain found surviving in rhizosphere of the all field crops . They control pathogen by competition, parasitism, and dominance. PGP+ liquid formulation acts as growth promoter in many crops. It is recom-mended as plant growth promoter in many crops. Which also helps in making phosphorus available to the plants. It also increases growth promoting substance , which accumulates germination, educing early flowering and fruiting . The solubilization effects are generally due to the production of organic acids by these organisms . They are also known to produce amino acids vitamins and growth promoting substances . Increase growth and yield of oats , coffee, tea , banana , mustard, maize, rice, sor-ghum, barley, chickpea, soybeans, groundnut, sugar beet, cabbage, to-mato, to the extent of 10% -20%. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating - 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops - for a single plant mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 100 ml. of solution with 1 hr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effects of Product : Increase in % of germination Vigorous root growth Early plant stand Immunity against soil born in-fection. Protects roots from fungal infes-tation because of its property to secret antifungal metabolites. It increase the crop yield by 10%-30% . It controls soil born, seed born and air born , bacterial and fun-gal diseases. 8. It controls onion smut, paddy blast, bacterial wilt, die-back in chilly and tomato etc.
...moreOrganic Neem Oil
Within the azadirachtin molecule, the decalin fragment is responsible for the insect growth regulation and development effects observed, while the hydroxy furan fragment causes the antifeedant effects more widely observed among target species. The IGR and antifeedant effects of azadirachtin are independent of each other, but both remain relative to concentration. The antifeedant effects of azadirachtin are well known. Both primary and secondary antifeedant effects have been observed in the case of azadirachtin. Primary effects include the process of chemoreception by the organism (e.g. sensory organs on mouthparts which stimulate the organism to begin feeding) whereas secondary processes are effects such as gut motility disorders due to topical application only. Inhibition of feeding behavior by azadirachtin results from blockage of input receptors for phagostimulants or by the stimulation of deterrent receptor cells or both.Details : The relative consumption rate of Heliothis virescens larvae treated with azadirachtin was 25% of the control, attributing to the lowest assimilation efficiency of all natural insecticides tested. In another study, larvae of Heliothis virescens consumed less food, gained less weight, and were less efficient at converting ingested and digested food into biomass. Sensitivity between species to the antifeedant effects of azadirachtin are profound. Order Lepidoptera appear most sensitive to azadirachtin's antifeedant effects, with Coleoptera, Hemiptera and Homoptera being less sensitive Effects of Product : Neegro, eco-friendly, very effective pest management for all crops. It is very effective on a wide variety of pests including the mealy bug, beet armyworm, aphids, the cabbage worm, thrips, whiteflies, mites, fungas gnats, beetles, moth larvae, mushroom flies, leafminers, caterpillars, locust, nematodes and Japanese beetle. Not known to be harmful for mamals, birds or some beneficial insects such as earthworms, butterflies, honeybees and ladybugs. Neegro (azadirachtin) is your best choice for Neem Seed Kernel based EC (Azacirachtin) as an ideal pesticide
...moreNPK Micro Bio Fertilizer
Problem of present day agriculture are many , few among them are soil fatigue due to intensive cultivation. Saturation potential of thee high yielding varieties in term of yield , continues decrease in the input use efficiency etc., unique solution to all these problems is N:P:K: . One product with three dimensional actions.N:P:K: is a homogenous mixture of biological nitrogen fixtures ( azot-bacter and azosprillum) p.s.b. and potash mobilizing bacteria. Large scale use of chemical fertiliz-ers causes the problem of pollution and deteriora tion of the soil struc-ture. Again there are problem of losses of applied fertilization and fixation of phosphorus. Several insoluble inor-ganic phosphateand make it available to plants.Mode of Action : It is a sustainable and eco friendly tech-nology It improves quality, shelf life, and nutritive value of the product Improves physical, chemical and biologi-cal properties of the soil. The solubilization effects are generally due to the production of organic acids by these organisms . They are also known to produce amino acids vitamins and growth promoting substances . Increase growth and yield of oats , coffee, tea , banana , mustard, maize, rice, sor-ghum, barley, chickpea, soybeans, groundnut , sugar beet, cabbage, to-mato, to the extent of 10%-20%. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating - lltr. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops - for a single mix 500 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 3 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 250 ml. of solution with 1 hr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effect of Product : increase in % of germination Vigorous root growth Early plant stand Immunity against soil born in-fection. Protects roots from fungal infes-tation because of its property to secret antifungal metabolites. It increase the crop yield by 10%-30% . It can solubilize 30-50 kg. of phosphorus per hectare. It can mobilize 30-50 kg. of potassium per hectare. It produces amino acids, vita-mins, and growth promoting substances like IAA, GA ,Cytokynes, which help in better growth and develop-ment of plants .
...moreNitro-Phospho Fix Micro Bio Fertilizer
Rhizobium The concept of A large majority o the farmers have small holdings . the use of biofertilizer in combination of chemical and organic manure offers a great opportunity to increase the crop production at less cost the con-cept of sustainable agriculture envis-ages primary emphases on manipula-tion and management of biological system not only to maximize yield but also to stabilize the agro system and to minimize industrial input demands. Biological nitrogen fixation in asso-ciation with rhizobium is one of the Most important means of converting large quantities of nitrogen in air and making it available to the plant. Rhizobium is the most widely used bio-fertilizer around the world. It can fix 50-100 kg of nitrogen per hec-tare in one crop season . It can leave be-hind 20-30 kg of nitrogen per hectare for the succeeding crop. It can increase yield by 15%-20% . Application of 1 hr. Of rhizobium is equal to application of 100 kg of urea. Azotobacter It is a free living nitrogen fixing bacte-rium used as a biofertilizer for several non leguminous crops including vegeta-bles the bacterium is known to produce growth promoting substances like IAA, GA , cytokinines and vitamins . Which have beneficial effects on crop growth Though the azotobacter contributes ni-trogen to the crop is only 10-20 kg per hectare , the production of growth pro-moting substances compensate its nitro-gen deficienciesby promoting seeding vigor and prolonged photosynthetic activ-ity . Field trials con-ducted to study influ-ence of azoto-bacter inocu lation have indicated increase yield in the range of 16%-36% in sorghum , 3%-8% in wheat 23%-28% in safflower and 15%-20% in horticultural and vegetable crops. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5-10 min-utes . Dry the seed on plastic paper and sow as usual. For horticultural crops - for a single mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 ltr solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effects of Product : Increase in % of germination Vigorous root growth Early plant stand Immunity against soil born in-fection. Protects roots from fungal infes-tation because of its properly secret antifungal metabolites. It increase the crop yield by 10%-30% . It produces amino acids , vita-mins and growth promoting substances like IAA, GA, and cytokines which help in better growth and development of crop plants.
...moreMicro Bio Pesticide
We produce the entire range of products by making use of quality-approved raw materials sourced from the trusted vendors present in the market. Also, the inputs are cross checked by our quality experts. Secure, dependable and authentic, Yes! You can trust us for making all the transactions using leading technologies. We keep stern check on the transactions made and we ensure that no third party is involved.
...moreMicro Bio Fertilizer
With the aid of diligent professionals and smart packaging system, we can easily render bulk and customized packaging requirements of the patrons. Also, we ensure that the packed lot has shock sustainability to circumvent loss during transit. We have a dedicated staff that ensures the quality of material used for designing and production. The inspection is done on the initial stages to make the final product free from defect.
...moreChutkara Micro Bio Pesticide
IT is a common entomopathogen fungus ( beauveria bassiana) that can be used to control a variety of insect pests like helicoverpa, spo-doptera, white fly, diamond back moth of cotton, oil seed and vegetable, mosquito bug of tea and cashew nut, berry borer of coffee, pest of Lepidoptera class, includes heliothis borer and cater-pillar root grubs of cardamom, paddy, sugarcane and other insect pests.Mode of Action : It produces a number of secondary metabolites acting as mycotoxined (insecticidal toxins) , including dex-truxintE which is considered as new generation insecticide against many aphid species , moth and fly larvae. These toxins are known to insecti-cides against many and rapid develop-ment of the mycotoxins causes death. The toxins kills the host inciting pro-gressive degeneration of the host tis-sues due to the loss of the structural integrity of the membranes and then dehydration of the cells fluid loss. The filament or hyphae of it covers or penetrates directly to the hyphae of harmful pathogenic pests, causing disease in them. They also makes a thin layer of pro-tection all around the seed by secre-tion of various toxic substances , and hence protect them from patho-genic pests. Direction of Uses : Seed palliating - 500 ml. of solution , spread over the 40 kg of seeds and dried 5 -10 minutes . Dry the seed on plastic pa-per and sow as usual. For horticultural crops : for a single mix 250 ml solution in required qty of water and drench the plant. Soil application - use 2 liter solution and mixed it with 50 kg. FYM spread this emulsion evenly in the fields. Transplanting - dilute 100 ml. of solution with 1 ltr of water and dip the roots of seedlings in the mixture for 10 minutes and transplant the seedlings as usual. It can also be used with drip irrigation too Uses in crops - it can be use in coconut, areca nut, spices, cashew nut, betel leaf, rice, ground nut tobacco, tea, sugarcane , oilseeds. Etc. Effects of Product : It is effective against Variety of insect pests like helicoverpa. Spodoptera, white fly, diamond back moth of cot- ton Oil seed and vegetable Mosquito bug of tea and cashew nut, berry borer of coffee. Pest of Lepidoptera class, includes heliothis borer and caterpillar root grubs of cardamom, paddy, sugarcane and other insect pests.
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