Falling Film Type Evaporator
500,000 Per Piece
The vapour is separated from the liquid in vapour separator and the concentrated liquid is collected at the bottom or transferred to the next stage. The falling film evaporators can be single effect or multiple effects depending on the capacity. Falling film evaporators can be operated with small temperature differences between the heating media and the boiling liquid and they also have short product contact time. These characteristics make the falling film evaporator particularly suitable for heat sensitive products and it is the most frequently used evaporator.Advantages Ideal for clear, heat sensitive foaming and corrosive solutions. Continuous, single pass operation with minimized retention time. Single or multiple units with high heat economy. High heat transfer co-efficient. Low power requirement. Simple construction. Low floor space requirement. Applications Food Herbal extracts Pharmaceuticals Dairy Dyestuff Ammonium Nitrate. Sugar Syrups.