Dissolved Air Flotation System
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We offer highly efficient Dissolved Air Flotation System in the market. Our Dissolved Air Flotation System works faultlessly and ensures quick performance. Operation Wastewater from Equalisation/Aeration tank is delivered by feed pump at low head to the over ground DAF-Clarifier through rotating Hydraulic Joint and is released all along the radius through contgrollableapertures.The flow of water is in clockwise direction & the distribution pipe rotates in anticlockwise direction to create nearly zero relative velocity so as to achieve quiescent state in the main TUBSaturated dissolved air gets released in the form of microscopic bubbles which attach to the fine suspended solids & colloids.Due to buoyancy effect, these SS particles are carried upwards at a fast rate of up to 300mm/min forming a thick floating smudge blanket that keeps on thickening until picked up by Rotating Sludge Skimmer into the Floated Sludge Shell.The clarified water below sludge blanket is directed to Rotating Middle Shell & it flows by gravity to adjustable weir that presents the sludge-to-sludge skimmer at desired height.Sediment able particles are swept into built in sludge tray by a scraper attached to the rotating middle shellA fractional H.P. Variable speed drive rotates both the shell & the sludge skimmer. Air Absorption Unit Consists of a 300 mm tube with micro porous air spargerPart of the clarified water is made to pass across the air sparger at high pressure & velocity absorbing air up to saturation level.It is subsequently depressurized to release micronic bubbles in the main TubAir is fed at a controlled rate through glass tube rotameters. Praneet DAF Clarifier Extremely low Hydraulic retention time of only 4 minutes makes the unit very compact, light weight with high specific clarification (Volumetrically less than 1/30th Size).Most modern clarification system with efficiency morethan 96-98%.Due to low retention time & infusion of Air/Oxygen dissolved oxygen levels are high resulting in better aerobic growth which eliminates chances of septicity.Shallow, open, self-cleaning, pre-fabricated design is shiftable leading to fast erection in small area.Light chemicals like Alum & Poly electrolytes leads to lower volumes of high consistancy sludge, easier to dry up on smaller bed areas there by reducing further cost on sludge handling,bed construction & transportation etc.Quick transfer of aerated sludge to aeration tank eliminates chances of anaerobic shockto microorganisms leading to better biological growth.Works simultaneously by sedimentation & flotation. Can handle rising sludge & bulking sludge effectively.Used as savealls in paper Mills, 100% closed water system feasible with complete fibre recovery.Excellent for naturally floating pollutants like oil & grease, Oil. Recovery possible in industries like Petrochemical, Vanaspati, Cokeoven batteries, paint shops etc.Primary & Secondary clarification is possible within minutes in industries like paper & pulp, textile, starch, Tannery, Wool. Conventional Sedimentation Clarifier High Hydraulic Retention time of more than 2 hours makes the system bulky.Efficiency of sedimentation processes is mostly not beyond 65%.Effluent turns septic & thereby leads to foul smell due to high retention time.Permanent huge civil constructions requires a large area.Lime is used to creat settlable flocs leading to very high sludge quantities difficult todry up & dispose off.Anaerobic conditions at times develop which upsets the biological system.Works by sedimentation alone, rising sludge difficult to handle.Closed water system & fibre recovery in Paper Mills not effective.Oil recovery not possible due to sedimentation process.Primary & Secondary clarification takes time.