Tantra Stay Long Gel
110 - 125 Per Pack
400 Pack (MOQ)
Tantra Staylong gel contains Lidocaine and Prilocaine as the active ingredient. The gel acts as the local anesthetic Prevents premature ejaculation and Rapid ejaculation in males Increases your sexual activity Key benefits/uses of Tantra Staylong gel Lidociane has a rapid onset of action and anaesthesia is obtained within a few minutes, with an intermediate duration of action Prilocaine has a slower onset of action with the slightly longer duration of action So, the combination of lidocaine and prilocaine provides a rapid onset of action, optimized penetration, maximum depth of neural blockade and lesser time of onset of numbnessTreats premature ejaculation in men Improves sexual performance Removes distress, frustration and/or the avoidance of sexual intimacy