3 D Pantograph Milling Machine (MTU 55)
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Outstanding features of the Speedcut MTU-55 machines are the following clear, self explaining arrangement of all component parts, convenient location of worktable and copyholder permitting workpiece. All controls grouped within easy reach of the operator. These features add up to great convenience in operation. The fixed arrangement of the pantograph support has been compensated for by the provision of three dimensional worktable movement.The massive box-section column cast integral with the amply dimensioned base plate has horizontal guide ways for a vertically adjustable knee which in turn carries the worktable. The crosswise adjustment of the worktable in combination with horizontal and vertical knee adjustment enable any desired table position to beobtained. Clamping area and work capacity of the worktable can be increased by attaching an auxilliary table. The master table or copyholder mounted on a longitudinally another adjustable knee can also be raised or lowered to suit special operating conditions. After the clamping bolts have been loosened the copy holder can be swivelled through 360° The design of the Speed Cut Model MTU-55 Pantograph Engraving and profiting Millors is based on the use of a Three Dimensional pantograph. This principle made it possible to develop and introduce the first manually control copy-milling machines using tracer stylus which by tracing a template or master guies a milling in such a manner that accsurate reproductions are obtained. The pantograph mechanism which has been designed for fingertip control assures absolute accuracy of reproduction and an excellent surface finish requiring little, if any, retouching and thus reducing costs to a minimum. The Model MTU-55 Miller which is equiped with a larger pantograph and a more generously dimensioned Cutter Spindle essembly is of particular advantage in the manufacture of moulds and dies of all kinds weighing upto 200 Kg. in view of the higher metal cutting capacity of the MTU-55 miller. This machine has been provided with a positively controlled tracer pin guiding mechanism for the rough milling of the heavier classes of work.