Rudraksh Group Phase 1, Mohali, Punjab

  • travel arrangements

    travel arrangements

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    Our students don’t have to worry at all their travel arrangements, for we take care of all that. We suggest the best options that are in sync with a student’s budget. Apart from the travelling arrangements, we arrange for the foreign exchange, insurance cover, and other such requirements. The objective is to ensure that the students and their parents don’t have to worry on these aspects .

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  • Student Visa

    Student Visa

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    Rudraksh group being one of the finest and leading student visa consultants in chandigarh and mohali believes that it is very important to disseminate and spread the correct information as to the various aspects related to student visa application so that they do not make assumptions and make informed decisions. All countries around the world offer student visas to foreign students to help them with pursuing full-time formal education without actually acquiring citizenship. The student visa is most useful to all those students who belong to a country with fewer educational opportunities. The students are also offered the opportunity to work up to 15 or 20 hours each week in the capacity of a part-time employee. This opportunity helps the students to finance their studies without depending upon someone else. However, some formal authorizations and permissions are required before a student can engage in a job. The rules for working while pursuing education varies from one country to another. Apart from sponsoring the studies, the job also helps a student to understand the importance of responsibility which helps in profile development. Rudraksh group being one of the sincere student visa consultants in chandigarh believes that students should apply for the student visa by making themselves aware of the application deadlines of the university they wish to study in. A student should also make sure that he or she appears for the required english tests like ielts, toefl, etc. As per the university guidelines and study accordingly for the same. Generally, it is safe to prepare for the same in 3-4 months of advance. The banks also provide the education loan depending upon the amount needed and the university in which the student has secured the admission.

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  • Pre Departure Briefing

    Pre Departure Briefing

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    Rudraksh Group pre departure sessions / get together for its students. We feel this is one of the most important sessions in the whole process. We get the opportunity to share with students about their new destination, new culture they are going to face, about the institute they are enrolling for and also making them aware of Do’s and Dont’s while they settles themselves in totally a new environment. This not only allows them to get more confidence but also adjust better in the institute and hence have better performance in the programs of study.

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  • Course Selection

    Course Selection

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    We will provide you the best Universities in abroad which suites your Personal, Academic and Financial profile/Parameters. Our efficient well-trained counsellors of Rudraksh Group over help to identify the professional goals, enabling the student to take a wiser academic decision, and gives Personal Guidance to help choose courses that perfectly fit your Career Path. Specially Course Selection is the most difficult and crucial factor to make a choice of what courses to take to make proper career growth in future. The counselor use to encourage the students to ultimately draw their own conclusions and choose the direction they want to take for future growth.

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  • Airport Pickup

    Airport Pickup

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    Students who have immigration approval to study in Abroad can pre-arrange for our airport pick-up service by Rudraksh Group with ten (10) days notice prior to flying to Abroad. Required details are the flight number, date and expected time of arrival. You will then be transported to the university-managed accommodation. Our student ambassadors and staff will greet you at the meeting point and take you to your accommodation. Coaches will only leave the airport at times listed in the airport pickup schedule, so there may be a wait for your departure. Please note if you arrive after the pick up time, you will need to make your own way.

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  • Admission Guide

    Admission Guide

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    We, at Rudraksh Group strive for a total satisfaction of the candidates approaching us. Our services are customized and value driven with quality and contentment of guaranteed admissions to all our enrolled students. Our honor lies in the fact that this organization is built on the bricks of ethics and is backed by our venture of ‘Admission or Refund’. We guide and assist students with complete admission process on one to one basis. Our Senior counselors personally assist students in filing up admission forms and we give special attention to your application, highlighting the areas essential for a well presented application, also assisting with References and the Statement of Purpose. Since our counselors have strong experience in this they are able to Pre-assess and Pre-qualify students application to the desired course and institute whereby making the application process shorter and faster. Our regular follow ups with the Universities result in positive and quick response.

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  • New Zealand study visa consultant in Mohali

    New Zealand study visa consultant in Mohali

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Rudraksh Group

  • Rudraksh Group
  • S.C.O.: 15 -16, Top Floor, Phase: 1, Mohali – PUNJAB, Phase 1

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