Web School Manager, a Name You Can Trust when it comes to Salary Management!
10,000 - 20,000 Per abc
Web School Manager, a Name You Can Trust when it comes to Salary Management! We work with the best measures to ensure quality & reliable services. Get in touch with us today!
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Web School Manager is engineered keeping in mind every single big and small requirement of all the school stakeholders whether principal, teacher, administrator or the students. Each module is tailored to make the functioning of the respective department effortless and impeccable.WSM derives its efficiency from its easy configurability. Unlike many school management systems, WSM can be easily configured as per the requirement. For instance: Parent-Teacher communication module assist SMS facility all classes wise, one class wise and single student wise as well.Furthermore, the highly configurable fee structure module, library management module are crafted to handle any and every conceivable scenario. The software promptly detects the defaulters and displays accurately calculated fine also.These examples are just the starters. Every single module of WSM is designed to provide high degree of customization.
...moreSchool Management Software Web School Manager
Manage your School SMARTLY with Web School Manager Web School Manager, loaded with comprehensive features to cater in allpossible vital needs of the school stake holders.
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