Modern Metal Crafts Malout, Muktsar, Punjab

  • Sliding Drawer

    Sliding Drawer

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    Material : Aluminium, Brass, Ceramic, Iron, Metal, Plastic, Wooden

    Thickness : 0-10mm, 10-20mm, 20-30mm, 30-40mm, 40-50mm

    Certification : ISI Certification, ISO9001:2008

    Color : Black, Brown, Cream, Grey, Silver

    Condition : New, Used

    Finishing : Non Polished, Polished

    Height : 0-3Ft, 10-13Ft, 3-5Ft, 5-7Ft, 7-10Ft

    NO. of Racks : 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

    Shape : Rectangular, Square

    Type : Sliding Drawer

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Contact Information

Modern Metal Crafts

  • Mr. Vikas Basnal
  • Gt Road Malout,Punjab,India, Muktsar