Electrical boilers, vacuum tables, electrical & all steam irons, portable boilers, fully automatic electrical boilers, fusing machines, fusing machines with cooling device, special vacuum/pressing tables for formal trousers & jackets. Side seam open table for trousers, form finishers for jeans/trousers and shirts. Fabric inspection machines, heavy duty double pressure rollers fusing machines, needle detectors, thread sucking machines, auto cleaning machines, legger, topper ,utility presses, industrial laundry machines, washer extractors, garment dyeing machines, commercial laundry machines, laundry machines for hotels, hospitals , schools colleges or any other comerical activity. Flat work ironers, cotton press machine, steam spares, teflon shoes, bottle irons, silicone foam, ss heater for boilers, steam hose pipe for irons, solenoid valve for irons, fusing machines belts, belt cleaning liquid and spray, etc & many more.....
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