Aluminum Solder Wire
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This Solder has good corrosion resistance and tensile strength. With a melting range beginning at 390 Deg. F. it avoids causing damage to critical electronics as well preventing substrate deformation and segregation. It is used very often in spray wire form for capacitors and other electronic parts. As an importer and exporter of aluminum products, including ingot silver aluminum alloys, Phoolchand Bhagat Singh would likely work closely with aluminum suppliers and manufacturers to ensure that the products they supply meet the specific needs and requirements of their customers. This may include providing customized alloy compositions or sizes to meet the specific needs of a particular application or industry.
Aluminium Enamel Wire
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The mechanical, electrical and chemical characteristics of aluminium magnet wire differ from those of copper magnet wire because of the inherent differences in the conductor materials. These differences are reflected in certain test procedures and/or performance requirements for aluminium magnet wire, such as elongation, adherence and flexibility, heat shock, scrape resistance, continuity and thermal endurance. Large round sizes, all rectangular film coated and all fibrous covered wire shall have yield strength not less than 9000 PSI. Application Specification Standards 1. IEC,DIN,IS Specification 2. International/Customised Standard
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Copper Clad Aluminum Wire
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Copper Clad Aluminum Wire, Potentiometers, Neutral Earthing Resistor