Amla Ginger Squash
70 Per Barrel
Ingredients :
Amla, Sugar, Ginger, Lemon Juice, Black Salt, Cummin Powder
Permitted Class Ii Preservative (E-224)
Benefits :
It is healthy, nutritious & excellent drink.
It is full of vitamin C.
Helps in digestion & gives instant energy especially during summer.
Amla helps to purify blood, improve skin texture, strengthen eye muscles, improves hair quality.
Ginger acts as antacid, used to treat diarrhea, nausea, gas, morning sickness.
Lemon is again rich in vitamin C, B6, A, E, is useful in treatment for kidney stones, reducing strokes and lowering body temperature.
Features :
Hygienically packed
Natural product
Low in sugar
Quality assured
No added artificial flavour